Entry 8 (first time)

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Dear diary,
It's my birthday! I'm losing my virginity today! He already told me after dinner we are going to go to his house and do it because his parents aren't in town. I'm so excited! Update you after it goes down.


Flashback 💭

*I wake up and run to my bathroom get ready and run to nessa's house...we'll I used my car*

*I knocked on the front door and she answered I kiss her and pick her up and close the door behind me we make out with her back on the door*

D: *clears throat*

*I pull away fast and put her down*

J: sorry mr. Barrett...

D: it's fine. And my name is Jim, son.

J: sorry.

N: can we have dinner now?

J: baby it's only 12 in the afternoon you gotta wait.

N: finnnee. When are the guys getting here?

J: soon. When are the girls getting here?

N: so- *ding dong* right now.

*she runs to the door and opens it*

N: hey girls.

A: hey bub!

C,D,S: hey Nessa!

J: Hey charli, Dixie, Anna, and Sophie.

C,D,S,A: hey Jaden.

*ding dong*

J: and that's the boys.

*we party for a few hours and then it's dinner time*


*we all walk to the table while Nessa runs. She adorable.*

B: ness can you pass me a slice of pepperoni?

N: sure!

*she grabs it and hands it to him.*

B: thank you.

N: no problem.

*she eats and stares at me I know exactly what she's asking me. I hold up my finger to signal her to wait and she pouts I chuckle. After everyone finishes its time for presents. She runs over to the living room and everyone grabs the present they brought she opens them one by one this is what she got*

From Anna:

From Anna:

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Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now