My closet

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I find the list and open it:

Dear Jae,
       YAY you found the first letter. Now here's where you can find the others!

- your closet at home
- the tree house
- your old locker
- our place



*I then hear the lounge door open and Bryce and everyone walk in I grab the box and start to leave but...I see her*

N: hey baby.

J: ness?

N: I missed you.

J: I missed you too.

*I start crying then...*

N: I have to go but I hope I see you soon...

*and she disappears I slide down the wall and start sobbing then I hear someone sit next to me...bryce*

B: yo what's wrong?

J: n-nothing leave me alone!

*I stand up but he grabs my hand and I turn around*

B: bro I'm your best friend you can tell me anything you know that right?

J: your not my best friend because best friends don't leave there best friend to suffer while your out with the boys. Best friends don't ditch you to hang out with your girl friend! You abandoned me at my lowest point in live that I'm still going through it's been months, MONTHS! You haven't even tried calling. If you think that what best friends do then we aren't friends anymore.

B: bro come on what happened that was SO bad.

J: nessa killed herself...

*his face drops and starts tearing up.*

B: nessa. Nessa Barrett? Your girl friend?

J: yes, now I got to go.

*I grab the box. Run out of there as fast as I could back to the dorm. In my luck Kio wasn't there I take a shower grab some stuff since class doesn't start for another week I'm going to find the letters.*

*after several hours of driving I was finally home I grab my phone and the box and knock on the door*

M: honey what are you doing home?

J: I came to um get something I don't know if mr and mrs Barrett told you but um-

D: yes we know son. *my dad says coming to the door*

J: yea um she left me 6 letters I already found one in our old promise box. But she said the other 5 were in town so I had to come here- and...and find them.

*I say as I walk in and run up to my room running to my closet throwing everything everywhere and finally find it...*

Dear Jae,
       Hello again! It's good to see your actually trying to find all the reason why. This next reason is a little boy named Kio...


Now I know what your saying who's Kio? Or maybe you already know him anyways he was in my math class last year. Right after you left for college he bullied me...made girls beat me up, got me arrested for something I didn't even do. It was a train wreck. I felt useless, like I wasn't good enough. And when I FaceTimed you crying that's the real reason why.


Flashback 💭

*I got a call from Nessa so I answered and she was crying*

J: baby why are you crying?

N: it- it's nothing just a bad day.

J: what happened?

N: just some stressful tests and stuff I'm fine.

J: ok...if you say so.

*I knew she wasn't fine but she doesn't want to talk about it so I'm gonna leave it*

J: I love you.

N: I love you too.

Flashback over 💭

I'm gonna kill Kio...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now