The diary

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*it's been a couple months now. It's Christmas and I'm on my way home right now with the boy yes I figured everything out with them and now we are close again. I'm happier but still sad. I haven't had the Courage to even open her diary it's been too hard but I think I'm gonna start reading it soon.*

C: Jaden!

*she says running at me as I opened the door to my house*

J: I missed you too char. Hey mom hey dad!

*I get out of charlis arms and hug them*

M: you seem happy. Are you doing better?

J: yea I'm just living life to the fullest like she would want me too of course I still miss her but it's getting better.

D: that's really good son we're proud of you.

D: yea Jae you so strong. I knew you would get through this.

*I look at Dixie as she's talking but once she's done I just roll my eyes at her, I know ness said that it was no ones fault but then why write about them? All I know is that she killed my girl friend and I can't look at her right now*

D: come on Jae you can't still be mad at m-

J: well I am ok?!

*she nods and walks to her room I do the same and. Lay down on my bed. I start having flashbacks to our first date*

Flashback 💭

*we are on a date right now and it's great I think I'm gonna do something to her tonight but your gonna have to find out what.*

J: come on let's go home. I have a surprise for you...

N: what is it?

J: if I tell it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?

N: I guess not. Let's go home then.

*she jumps up and runs to my car*

J: your so cute.

*she smiles as she opens the door*

N: oh I know. *she grinned*

End of flashback 💭

*i fucking miss her so much*

J: fuck.

*after I showered and laid down, I open the diary and start reading*

Entry 1...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now