Entry 6 (first date)

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Dear diary,
Today was our first date I know what your saying, "it's been a year of dating and you just now had your first date?" But I'm ok with it because we were both busy with stuff. Anyways the date was awesome he also stayed the night at my place and we might have gone a little bit further but still no sex I can't wait for my birthday next year he said right when I turn 15 he will fuck the shit out of me and I know he will because he always keeps his promises.


Flashback 💭

*we are on a date right now and it's great I think I'm gonna do something to her tonight but your gonna have to find out what.*

J: come on let's go home. I have a surprise for you...

N: what is it?

J: if I tell it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?

N: I guess not. Let's go home then.

*she jumps up and runs to my car*

J: your so cute.

*she smiles as she opens the door*

N: oh I know. *she grinned*

*she climbs in the car and we drive home once we are home I pick her up, run to my bedroom and throw her on my bed she giggles I lay on top of her*

N: what are you doing?

J: just wait.

*I start making out with her and take off my shirt she giggles while I take off her dress and kiss down her body I then take her underwear off and start kissing her 😺 and she moans*

N: w-w-what are you doing?

J: since we can't have sex I'm gonna pleasure you a different way.

*she smiles*

N: then what are you waiting for?

J: your permission...

N: then yes Jaden do it.

J: ok.

*I start kissing her 😺 again and she moans I then slowly stick my tongue inside her making swirls and doing flicks she grabs my hair and moans loudly.*

N: fuck.

*i moan inside her and I can tell she felt the vibrations because she starting moaning uncontrollably I get up and kiss her as I slide a finger into her going at a fast pace only hearing the music of her moans.*

J: your so fucking hot.

N: I could say the same for you.

*I stick another finger into her keeping eye contact at all times. She starts breathing heavier as she looks at what I'm doing I see tears in her eyes and I start tearing up too, I wipe her tears and kiss her head and keep going faster. Shes doing well for her first fingering sesh. I chuckle at my own thoughts, shes so beautiful. She cums and I pull out my fingers and clean up her and everything. She smiles*

N: that was amazing.

J: your welcome baby. What movie you want to watch?

N: 101 Dalmatians

J: ok *i laugh*

*I put it on and we fall asleep soon after*

End of flashback 💭

She was beautiful...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now