Entry 2-3 (first hang out)

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Dear diary,
I'm now in 5th grade and my parents allow me to hang out with friends now. Jaden asked me to hang out after school he said he would wait at the bus stop for me to come home since he's in middle school now and doesn't leave school at the same time. Anyways I'll update you when I get to his house since recess is almost over!


Dear diary,
I'm at his house right now it's beautiful. You see I have lived in apartments my whole life because of moving and money issues so any house is beautiful to me. I'm in his room and he's get snack right now we're gonna watch a movie. I kinda want to sleep over maybe my and his parents will let me. Anyways bye talk to you when something else exciting happens!


Flashback 💭

*i got popcorn, candy, and soda. I don't know what ratings she's aloud to watch so we're just gonna watch what she wants. I walk back in and see her writing she quickly puts it away, I wonder what that was about*

J: what you writing about?

N: oh nothing important...what movie we watching?

J: I don't know what ratings are you aloud to watch cause I can watch anything.

N: anything...except nudity.

*I chuckle, 'she so pretty' is all I think about*

J: well...then what's your favorite movie of all time?

N: lion king! It's the best movie.

J: I know right?!

*i laugh again and lay the food and drinks down next to my bed and put the movie in I then lay down next to her and she lays her head on my chest she's so adorable I love her- wait what?! No no no no no no I can't fucking love her she's my best friend! It's ok Jaden calm down as long as you don't tell anybody it's fine...I think. What ever just watch the movie*

*at the end of the movie she fell asleep so I used her phone to call her parents*

*ring ring*

M: hello.

J: hi mrs Barrett I just wanted to say that um Nessa fell asleep so I thought that she could stay here? We already ate dinner and stuff I just didn't want you to worry.

M: thank you for calling Jaden yes she can stay I'll drop off some clothes-

J: no that's fine she can wear some of my sister charlis clothes there the same size.

M: ok well good night then Jaden take care of her and it's the weekend so if she really wants to she can stay until Sunday night.

J: yea sure! Good night mrs Barrett!

M: oh please call me Emily.

J: ok good night Emily.

*I hang up and see that Nessa having a nightmare I sit up and hug her super tight to let her know I'm here*

J: shh, it's ok shh. Wake up bab- ness. Shh.

*she wakes up and hugs me really fast and starts crying*

J: shh, shh it's ok. It's ok deep breathe in *i do it with her* and out.

*she does it again and lays back down on my chest still in tears*

J: hey look at me.

*she sits up so she's on my lap.*

J: I called your mom and she said you can stay until Sunday night if you'd like.

*she smiles and nods as she lays back down I kiss her forehead*

J: good night ness

N: good night Jae.

End of flashback 💭

I love her...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now