Trailer (Sincerely, Ness)

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Dear diary,
Life is full of challenges but I couldn't fulfill mine. I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't understand how life worked and when the lights went out it all made sense...I didn't belong in this world. So...I took myself out of it.


After Jadens girl friend dies he cuts everyone out, Bryce...

After Jadens girl friend dies he cuts everyone out, Bryce

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His best friend...


Nessas brother

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Nessas brother...


Her best friend

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Her best friend...

And his sisters,


And Dixie,

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And Dixie,

He loved her but she left now he's broken and no one and nothing, can fix him

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He loved her but she left now he's broken and no one and nothing, can fix him.

"I loved her! And she left! why did she leave man why?!"

"Ok I really need to leave Jae"

"Ok I love you byeeee"


From a really happy giggly boy...

To a sad lonely helpless one...

He need something to fix him and that something...

Was her...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now