Entry 7 (first i love you)

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Dear diary,
       We said I love you today. I'm happy that he loves me. It's almost my 15th birthday! I can't wait. I hope he isn't just saying he loves me to make me feel loved I want him to mean it because I mean it. I love him so fucking much and I can't wait for my future with him.


Flashback 💭

*we where at the park when Nessa started having an panic attack*

J: hey hey hey. It's ok it's ok.

*I pick her up and sit her down on my lap*

J: what's wrong tell me what happened.

N: I-I-I dont kn-ow. It hurts *she says as she hits her chest*

J: shhh. It's gonna be ok. Tell me 5 things you hate and love ok?

N: I-I-I hate jeans, yelling, school, brown, and my b-body.

*I tear up*

N: a-and I lo-love cuddles, my parents, Blake, Anna, and...you.

*i smile*

J: I love you too Nessa. I always have.

*she starts breathing slower and I kiss her*

J: and I always will.

*she kisses me again. We walk to the car and I bring her home*

*once we get home she goes to her room while I make some popcorn*

M: hey honey- *i jump* oh sorry didn't mean to scary you.

J: no it's fine. How are you mrs. Barrett?

M: Jaden I told you call me Emily. And I'm doing just well how about you?

J: I'm really happy.

M: that's good to hear. How are you and nessa?

J: we're good. Amazing actually. I love her Emily I really do.

*she smiles*

M: I always knew you guys would end up together.

J: same.

*the microwave beeps and I take it out*

J: nice talking to you again m- Emily

*she laughs and I walk to Nessa's room I lay down next to her. She cuddles up to me and I kiss her head*

N: do you think we'll have a future?

J: of course I will never leave you. Will you leave me?

N: of course not! I promise I will never leave you. I love you too much.

J: I love you too. Goodnight Nessa.

N: goodnight Jae.

End of flashback 💭

We loved each other...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now