My Locker

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*after last night at the tree house I went home and right now I'm bring charli to school to look for the letter in my old locker.*

C: thanks for the ride Jaden. Um just so you know everyone knows in there and if your coming in just know there gonna try and give you pity but I have to go to class so I'm sorry if they do.

J: it's fine char I just need to find that letter and then I'll see you after school.

C: when are you going back to school?

J: after I find the last letter and then I'll come back for her funeral obviously.

C: ok...see you later!

*she walks off and I walk to the office. I walk in and see her again*

N: hey Jae!

J: no no stop that! I'm not your Jae anymore you-you died! I miss you ness...why baby?

N: your gonna find out if you read all the letters I got to go again but I'll visit you soon I promise.

*she disappears and I look and see everyone looking at me I walk into the principal office and sit down.*

P: hello what can I do for you today?

J: um I'm here to...I know this is weird but do you remember your late student Janesa Barrett?

P: yes I do sir what's wrong?

J: she um she left me letters...and said that one of them was in my old locker and I was wondering if I could go check it out?

P: um yea sure do you remember which locker was yours?

J: yes, the one right next to the boys locker room...

P: ok that's belonged to a student named Zoe Lavern now.

J: wait- z-Zoe? She used to bully ness *I look down and start tearing up*

P: I'm so sorry about that do you want me to punish her or-

J: no no that's fine. I just want the letter.

P: ok well I'm gonna call her down and we can go to her locker with her so she can open it.

J: thanks.

P: will Zoe Lavern please report to the principals office again will Zoe Lavern report to the principals office.

*she said into the intercom. I don't know what happened but I started crying quietly.*

J: I miss her so much sir. I just- I just don't know what to do anymore. I used to be a happy fun
out-going kid and now I'm some depressed adult that doesnt know if he wants to live or die.

P: I'm really sorry you feel that way I can-

*knock knock*

Z: you called me?

P: yes miss take a seat.

*she sits*

P: this is Jaden...

J: Hossler.

P: yes this is Jaden Hossler and he needs to go into your locker to get a paper from his-

J: nessa. From Nessa Barrett.

Z: oh her *she awkwardly laughs* I miss her so much it was really such a tragedy.

*I roll my eyes and stand up*

J: can I just please get the letter and leave I have to go visit her grave. It's her favorite holiday tomorrow.

P: Halloween?

J: yes sir.

Z: ok well right this way I guess.

*she brings us to her locker and opens it. I look for it and find it on the top shelf*

J: thank you guys this really means a lot.

P&Z: no problem.

*I say bye and I walk to my car to read it*

Dear Jae,
This next person might surprise you but it was Dixie, your sister...She didn't do that much but it was just that she did something and I don't know I'll just tell you. So you remember when we first started dating? Well I heard her on FaceTime with Noah and she was just going on and on about how much she couldn't stand me and. It just broke me even more. I'm sorry I didn't tell you it's just I didn't want to ruin your guys relationship. I hope you guys can still talk to each other after you read this but that highly unlikely anyways as always I love you and can't wait to see you again. Muah!


Really? My own sister...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now