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August 4 2020:

*I open my eyes to see my dad waking me.*

D: hey! Time for sophomore year of college are you ready?!

J: can I just not go?

D: what do you mean? Your going, now go take a  shower you reek.

*i nod and grab clothes and go in the bathroom*

*it's been a few months since n-ness did it. I can't handle it anymore. I stopped talking to everyone. My sisters my parents my friends EVEN BRYCE! The only people that know are her parents my sisters Anna and Blake. I get out of the shower and get dressed. I bring my bags down and put them in the car*

C: bye...*she says with teary eyes and I have a flashback*

Flashback 💭

J: BABY STOP! *i laugh so hard as she's tickling me*

N: finneeee I'll stop.

*I sit up and put her on my lap*

J: I love you, you know that right?

*she looks down and tears up*

J: hey hey what wrong?


J: do you not love me?

N: of course I love you it's just I- it's nothing...

N: are you ready to go back to college?

J: that's what this is about, baby I told you I would visit you. Birthdays, holidays, and weekends I'll come down I promise you.

*she nods and digs her head into my chest*

J: I love you *i whisper*

N: I love you too.

*end of flashback💭*

J: I'll be back charli, I'm gonna visit birthdays holidays and maybe weekend I'll come down I promise you.

*I said as that's what I said to Nessa*

D: bye bro!

*she hugs me and everyone else joins. Soon we pulled away and I say bye then get in the car and drive off*


I'm gonna see you soon baby I promise.

End of thoughts

*after several hours of driving I finally get to campus and go to my dorm lay down and go on my phone*


?: hey are you Jaden? Hossler?

J: yea what's it to you?

?: I'm uh I'm your new dorm mate.

J: why where's Blake?

?: don't know who that is but if he's not here then he either dropped out or switched rooms.

J: oh....anyways what your name?

?: Kio, Kio cyr. Um where can I put my stuff?

*I look down and see his bags on the ground in front of him and him holding a bear*

*I look down and see his bags on the ground in front of him and him holding a bear*

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Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now