Entry 5 (first boy friend)

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Dear diary,
It's been a few months of talking since the kiss and I can't wait any longer...HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRL FRIEND!! I think I love him. But I don't know if he loves me. I hope he does because I really do love him.


Flashback 💭

J: hey ness?

N: yea?

J: I know this might ruin everything and if it does I'm gonna feel so stupid but um...would you consider being my girl friend? It's ok if you say no it's just I really like you and-

*she kisses me and I kiss back she then she pulls away*

N: it would be an honor.

*I smiled and kissed her again I lay her down and start moving down to her neck she moans and I chuckle*

J: now now your still 13 baby.

N: *whines* no fair!

J: my point exactly.

*i say as I continue my action.*

J: fuck I can't wait until your 15 so I can fuck the shit out of you.

N: I can't wait either.

*we make out for a little as she's on top of me I pull away*

J: Janesa Barrett, no.

*I say as I feel her grinding on me*

N: please just let me have a little fun.

J: in a couple years ok please just know that I'm doing this in respect of your body.

N: it's fine when I want it you know.

J: no.


*she rolls off me and starts pretending to cry*

J: I know your pretending bub I've known you for 4 years.

N: your no fun.

J: I'm plenty of fun and you'll see how much fun I can bring when your 15.

*she giggles and gets back on top of me and kisses me we start to make out again. I put my hands on her sides down to her butt and squeezed it I need her so bad right now but she's 13 fuck*

J: fuck Nessa stop it.

N: stop what?

J: I can't do this and you know it so stop and, wait!

N: I can't wait Jae please.

J: no.

End of flashback 💭

*a 13 year old wanting sex I remember how needy she was but I couldn't steal her innocence that young but I really miss her. She was my first love and now...*

She's gone...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now