Chapter 1-Slushie Heart

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  Y/N was a "Bad" kid, at least she didn't think she was. Y/N would always get into fights, lie, and steal. Her parents would always lecture her about all the stuff she did but Y/N would never listen. Y/N's parents decided to completely move, every Town knew about Y/N and what she has done so they never let her or her family stay there. But Y/N thought as this as a new start in life, a way to right her wrongs! Nothing could go wrong...right?


"Phew! It took us a couple days but we finally unpacked everything and got everything set up!" Y/N's Dad let out a sigh. "I'm so glad you got this place!" Y/N's Mom smiled. "Me too!" Y/N's Dad grinned. Y/N walked downstairs her hands in her pockets. "Hey honey! Are you excited for your new school!" Y/N's Dad asked. "I'm sooo excited" Y/N said rolling her eyes. "Aw come on don't be like that, we bought you so many new clothes it'll last you the whole school year!" Y/N's Dad said. Y/N nodded "Uh..huh" she folded her arms. "How about you go get a Slushie from the gas station! Maybe you'll meet someone" Y/N's Dad gave her $5 and patted her shoulder. Y/N looked at her father and slowly turned away and walked to the door, she opened the door and went outside closing it behind her. The sun was slowly going down, Y/N put her sunglasses on, she loved her sunglasses. (They kinda look like clout goggles)  Y/N put her hands in her pockets while walking down to the gas station, she looked around. the town was pretty in the afternoon! While looking Y/N spotted a candy store, she walked over to it. The little sign on the door read:"Open" Y/N swung the door open, the candy guy was standing behind the counter he looked bored and tired. "Welcome to the Candy store or.. whatever" The man said in a monotone voice.
Y/N looked around the store: There were sweet treats surrounding Y/N. Her eyes sparkled at all the treats, without any hesitation Y/N went on Autopilot and started grabbing candy not worrying about any of the prices. The Candy guy just watched, slowly blinking, watching this kid have a pre-sugar high. After Y/N grabbed all the candy she could, she placed it all on the counter, the candy guy sighed and just stared at the candy. He looked so very very tired, "um...let's..see that'll much money do you even have?" The man asked. Y/N pulled out the $5 bill her father gave her and handed it to the Candy man. The Candy man just put the money in the cash register and put the candy in a bag. "All this candy is probably worth more then $5..but just think of it as a "Welcome" to" Y/N grabbed the bag and tilted her head. "How'd you know I was new?" "Every kid comes in here, I've seen every kid in this town in this shop come and go..but I've never seen you here" The Candy Man yawned. Y/N stood there for a minute or two before waving "Bye" and walking out.

Even with no more money in Y/Ns pockets she went to the gas station. She just wanted to see what stuff they had there and possibly sneak a Slushie out the store, The Gas station was pretty big! It was shiny like if it had just been built. Y/N walked in as a cold breeze washed over her entire body. It was quiet, well it would have been if there wasn't the sound of snickering near the Slushie machine.Y/N walked over to where the snickering was coming from and saw three boys making slushies and talking. One boy had a grey beanie on with a dark blue button up shirt and navy blue pants, The boy in the middle had a dark blue hat with an dark orange and yellow sweater on and black pants, and the last Boy had a dark blue hat too except his was flipped around. He has a green jacket and light blue pants. Y/N wanted to make a good first impression so she fixed her hair a bit then walked over to the Slushie machine. She grabbed a small cup and looked at the flavors, She felt the stare of the three boys. As they went silent, Y/N tapped her foot as she filled up the cup with mixed flavors. She still felt them staring. Full of annoyance, Y/N turned around. "Take a picture it'll last longer" She grabbed a straw. The two boys next to the boy in the middle blushed in embrassment. The Boy in the middle just folded his arms "I've never seen you here before" Y/N got a lid for her Slushie and put it on the cup. "That's because I'm new here" "Ooo your new, huh?" The boy in the middle grinned. "Yeah what about it?" Y/N grabbed a straw and put it in the Slushie. "I hope you move out soon, this town doesn't need more losers like you around" The boy nagged. "Yeah.. whatever you say-" Y/N looked at him and moved her hand in a circle motion. "Umm Billy? Is that your name" "No, what- my name is Roy!" "Oh that's a cute name, I like it" Y/N took a sip of her Slushie. "Don't call my name cute, nothing about me is cute!" Roy huffed. "Mhm" Y/N nodded, half listening. Mostly paying attention to the two guys behind Roy. "Soo..who are these guys?" Y/N pointed at the two boys. Roy turned to face them. "Ross" he pointed at the boy with the grey beanie. "And Robert" he pointed to the  boy with the green jacket. Robert had the biggest smile on his face, it was sorta cute! "But that doesn't matter! What matters is that you know not to mess with us! Roy folded his arms. Y/N raised an eyebrow looking at this..angry little doggie. "Whatever you say Cutie" Y/N began to walk away but fell to the ground seconds later. It happend so fast what the hell even happened..? Her Slushie spilled all over the cold, rough gas station floor. Y/N slowly got up, hearing the laughter of Roy and only Roy. The other two boys stepped back a little, Y/N slowly turned Around to face Roy. "HAHAHA!! You spilled your drink all over the floor! Guess you'll just have to get a new one-" SMACK Y/N's hand stung with pain, it was red. But it wasn't as bad as the hand print on Roys face. Roy stood there for a minute or two. "Are you just gonna stand there like an Idiot or are you gonna buy me a new drink-" Roy tackled Y/N to the ground and started punching her face taking her sunglasses off and throwing them to the side. Y/N grabbed Roys hands and gripped them tight so he wouldn't move them. Y/N looked up at Roy with her E/C eyes, she looked in his eyes. Roy blushed slightly "Let go of me!" Y/N let go of his hands. Roy punched Y/N once again but hit her nose. "OW!" Y/N kicked Roy off of her and got up quickly, blood was gushing out her nose. Roy sat on the floor staring hard at her. "You fucking!- UGH!!! You're gonna pay for this you dumb PIECE OF- ARGH!!!" Y/N covered her nose and walked out the gas station. She ran home as fast as she could. "This is so embrassing that dumb little bowl of cereal (Weird insult but get it I guess)  just made my nose bleed, every person I've ever faught with, never  made my nose bleed!" Y/N kept running until she finally reached her home. She swung open the door- surprisingly it was open. "Oh hi sweetie-OH MY GOSH!" Y/N's mother screamed. Y/N's Father rushed into the living room. "What happened?- Oh dear..Y/N what happened?" Y/N stood there, it would be embrassing telling her parents that she faught someone when she promised she wouldn't get into any fights.."I ran into one of those street lights...on the way home!" "That's awful honey! Watch where your walking next time!" Y/N's mother grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her upstairs and into the bathroom.

Y/N's mother sat Y/N down on the toilet and raised her chin up and grabbed Y/Ns hand. "Pinch both your nostrils, and keep your head up" Y/N did so. Y/N's mother got a tissue and started cleaning the blood off her clothes and face. "Its okay, we'll just wash your clothes and they'll be good as new! Just keep your head like this for a few minutes dear and then go take a shower!" Y/N nodded. Y/N's mother walked out the bathroom, Y/N sat on the toilet and sighed. "That Idiot is in for one helluva ride, he could have broke my nose!" Y/N looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking about that kid. Was she really that mad at him? Y/N shook her head and went to her room.

Timeskip to when Y/N finishes taking a shower

Y/N was laying in bed, her nose finally was done bleeding. She stared at the ceiling once again, she tossed and turned hugging her blanket. "Ugh..dumb town, dumb..Roy" she smacked her lips, saying his name left a bitter taste in Y/N's mouth. She sighed and closed her eyes.

"That Idiot owes me a Slushie.."

(Words:1691, I should have put that this was gonna be a Fem Reader at the beginning I'm sorry! But I hope you enjoyed it part 2 coming soon)
(Also sorry for making Y/N and Roy fight I wanted them meet in a different way other then Y/N hanging out with Skid and Pump)

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