Chapter 16: Last Day

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Y/N was in her room, her parents woke her up early so they can start packing. Y/N already finished packing the stuff in her room so she decided to go downstairs. "Mom can I go outside?" Y/N asked her mother. "Why do you want to go outside? We have to pack" Y/Ns mother said as she was packing up some clothes. "Ugh because I wanna see Roy" Y/N crossed her arms. "Ohhh.. F/N (Father's name) Did you know Y/N kissed a boy yesterday!" Y/Ns mother put her hand on her hip. Y/Ns Father looked at Y/N. "Well if you're gonna go see your boyfriend again just don't do anything.. inappropriate-" "Oh my Gosh! Dad I'm not gonna do anything with him you guys are so weird!" Y/Ns face turned red" "We're just looking after you honey, also are you gonna explain why you have a stab wound?" Y/Ns mother asked. "Nope" Y/N walked to the front door and opened it. "It's a long story" she walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Jeez my parents are so weird" Y/N shook her head and started to walk to Roy's house. "What if Ace comes back while I'm gone and I'm too far away to come and help them.."Y/N thought
"Hopefully he doesn't.." She was sort of worried about leaving, she didn't want Ace to come back and hurt the Hatzgang. She knew they were very capable of defending their self but she wanted to be there for whatever might happen.. "Ugh stupid Ace..why am I even thinking about this that idiot is dead I stabbed him in the chest" Y/N rubbed her face. "..Yeah it's fine, he's dead...he's dead" Y/N turned a corner and walked up to Roy's house. She knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door, it was a women with short blond hair, blue shirt with black jeans. She had a beautiful pearl necklace. The Women looked tired. (Here's a picture if you wanna seeeee, not my drawing!)

 (Here's a picture if you wanna seeeee, not my drawing!)

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Y/N looked at the women. "Hello Mrs. Roy's mom, is Roy here?" "Yeah he's here..may I ask who you are?" Roy's mother asked. "I'm Y/N" Y/N smiled. "Oh, Roy talks about you sometimes" Roy's mother smiled. "That's sweet" Y/N grinned. "Let me call Roy" Roy's mother left to go call Roy.

"ROY! You're little friend is here!"
"Ugh Mom what are you talking about! what little friend!"
"Just come down here!"

Y/N heard footsteps coming down the stairs and walking to the door, Roy looked annoyed until he saw Y/N. "Oh it's you" Roy frowned. "What do you mean by that!" Y/N gasped. Roy grinned and shut the door behind him. "I'm only joking" "You better be!" Y/N smiled. "How's your little stab wound?" Roy asked. Y/N lifted her shirt a little and pointed to it. It was a dark red, some blood was still on it. "Gross" Roy stuck his tounge out. "Yeah it sometimes bleeds then stops its weird...wanna touch it?" Y/N looked at it. "Sure.." Roy poked the wound. "OW OW AHHHHHHHHH" Y/N screamed. "Holy shit I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "I'm only joking, it only hurts a little bit" Y/N snickerd. "You scared me asshole!" "I'm sorry sheesh" Y/N put her shirt down. "Anyways let's hangout! My parents are almost done packing soon so I might leave today or I wanna hangout with you alone before I hangout with You, Ross, and Robert" Y/N grabbed Roy's hand.

"You're actually leaving" Roy frowned. "Yeah, I already told you" Y/N pulled Roy, Roy walked with her. "Yeah I know but I can't believe it though" Roy sighed. "Aww poor Roy, I bet you'll miss me" Y/N smiled, she looked over at Roy and he looked down at the sidewalk. "Hey... don't be sad loser, it's gonna be okay. I'll text and call you everyday! I'll send you little gifts and what not! Then once I'm able to visit you I'll get into my little car and drive all the way here!" Y/N squeezed Roy's hand.

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