Chapter 20: Ruined Date (Part 2)

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"So Spoon tell us about yourself" Robert said smiling. "Well..I love Pumpkin pie" Spoon sat on the ground. "Pumpkin pie is okay, I like apple pie better" Robert looked at him sitting on the ground. "What about you beanie head, which one do you like" Spoon looked up at Ross. "Neither, I like blueberry pie" Ross replied. "I love blueberry pie" Spoon said. ".. I'm sort of hungry" Spoon patted his stomach. "What would you like to eat Mr.Stomach?" Spoons stomach growled. "Dirt it is" Spoon grabbed a handful of dirt. "We can go get you some food!" Robert said before Spoon could put the dirt in his mouth. "oh! That sounds mighty fine! I would love some real food !" Spoon drooled a little at the thought of some food."Alright cool, follow us then!"

. . .

"Aw this is very romantic for an improvise" Y/N giggled. They were in the graveyard, there were lit candles around them. "I have..a stick of gum" Roy handed it to Y/N. "What flavor?" Y/N opened it and put it in her mouth. "Bubblegum" Roy replied. "Nice" Y/N chewed on it. Roy inched his hand closer to Y/Ns, he gently placed his hand on top of hers. Y/N blushed, she grinned. "Sooo I bet you missed me a lot" "I missed you sooo much" Roy said, his voice was soaking in sarcasm. "I can tell" Y/N got closer to him. Roy blushed. "I know you missed me, why wouldn't you miss someone as swag as me" Roy grinned. "Did you just say "Swag" oh my goodness" Y/N started to laugh. "Hell yeah I did, people should start saying it more!" Roy exclaimed.

Y/N giggled, she missed him a lot. Just being in his presence was great. "..So how have you been since I left?" Roy was silent for a minute, he rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. "..Bad" "Aw, Why?" Y/N frowned a little. "..I just wasn't able to cope with you leaving, well I was but not in a healthy way" Roy chuckled softly. "I was really aggressive and rude towards people, even to Ross and Robert it was terrible. Any new person who would try to get into my life I would push them away, in fear of them being Ace in disguise or some shit..I just didn't wanna relive that whole thing"

Y/N frowned. "Poor Roy" "I'm sorry.." Y/N griped his hand tightly. "It's my fault really...I shouldn't have fucking hit that locker with that bat, ugh. If it wasn't for me I would have still been here with you.." Y/N sniffled. "I'm so dumb, I'm really really sorry Roy" Y/N laughed a little. "I..I never wanted this to happen and you know that..! Ever since I left I've had nightmares about Ace and it's so stupid..and I would always wonder if you guys were okay, I'm so paranoid now, fuck it sucks...and I'm just so mad at myself! tell you the truth I'm also a little scared.." Y/N stopped talking for a second, she realized what she was doing. "I'm sorry" Y/N let go of his hand. "I just got a little worked up" Y/N laughed nervously.

Roy grabbed Y/N by her waist and pulled her close to him, Y/Ns cheeks turned red. "Y/N don't be should open up more often" Roy said. Y/Ns eyes got glossy, she blinked and tears rolled down her cheeks, she wiped her cheeks and laughed. "Look at us..Ace really left a mark on both of us huh?" Roy laughed a little and hugged Y/N. Y/N hugged him back. "Sorry if I ruined this date" "You didn't ruin anything now shush" Roy said. "Alright Alright" Y/N smiled.

. . .

"This is a good burger!" Spoon devoured the burger like if he hasn't had a decent meal in ages...which is probably true. He opened the lid to the soda and chugged it. "This was amazing! Thank ya'll so much!" Spoon laid on the ground. "No problem dude" Robert smiled. Spoon got up. "Hmm what should we do! I'm super duper bored" Spoon groaned. "Wanna go to the Supermarket and take their carts and ride down a hill with them" Ross asked. "Ross that's a..great idea!" Robert smiled. "That sounds fun, let's do it!" Spoon bounced up and down.

. . .

Y/N was playing with Roy's hair, she put it in a little bun. "Cute" Y/N poked his bun. "Do I look good?" Roy grinned. "You always look good" Y/N said. Roy blushed a little. "Whatever"
Y/N giggled and took his hair out a bun, she laid her head on his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Roys face turned red. "Hey after we hangout with Ross and Robert all together, maybe me and you can go to the bridge and look at the stars" Y/N smiled. "Shouldn't you get some rest? You've had a long day and I don't want you to be too tired" "How come?" Y/N asked. "Just in case Ace comes! He can come at anywhere and anytime and I just want us to be ready" Roy said. Y/N let go of Roy. "Don't say that, you're gonna make me even more paranoid" "It's true though, you know he randomly shows up at anywhere and anytime"

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