Chapter 14: Halloween party (Part 2)

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"I'm going to get Y/N expelled" Ace said calmly. "... What?" Roy said trying to process what just happened. "I'm gonna get her expelled" Ace said once more. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you wanna take Y/N away from me so badly, huh!?" Roy shouted. Ace was silent for a minute, he looked confused? "" he pushed his beanie up. "I guess I'm doing all this because..." Ace leaned agasint the wall and kept thinking. Roy let out a chuckle. "You have no idea why you're doing this do you?" "There's a lot of reasons why I'm doing this, for one Y/N is an amazing person and she doesn't deserve dirt like you-" "Says you asshole!" Roy snapped. "Reason two:I can't stand the thought of you and Y/N being together, she can be with anyone else but you. I rather her be with me but I understand if it can't be me..but it cannot be you!" Ace smiled. "Oh..I get it, you just don't want me to be fucking happy! I finally find someone I actually like and care about and you come over and fuck things up! I'm not letting you ruin me again! I'm not letting you take control you manipulative bastard!!" Roy declared, he stood his ground. Ace laughed. "Oh shut the hell up! You're pathetic.. honestly!...hmm..I guess you're kind of right, I don't want you to be happy" "Fucking cunt-" "Hey guys, what are you talking about" Y/N interjected. Ace and Roy looked at Y/N. "Nothing" they both said. "Uh.. Alright then, well Roy did you want some of these pretzels they're shaped like Pumpkins" Y/N smiled and she held a mini bag of pumpkin shaped pretzels. "...uhm..Sure why not" Roy glanced at Ace. Y/N handed Roy a pretzel. "Thanks.." "What's wrong with you guys? You seem off" Y/N said examining them both. "We're fine" Ace reassured her. "We were just chatting" "About what?" Y/N asked. "Well that's what I have to tell you Y/N! Ace is trying to get you expelled!" Roy said. "What?" Y/N tilted her head. "I never said such a thing? Roy are you feeling okay?" Ace put his hand on Roys shoulder. "Don't touch me, I'm feeling just fine! I know what you said. You said a whole bunch of shit! Don't try and act innocent!" Roy pushed Ace away. "Roy..I think you need some rest, I never said anything about Y/N getting expelled we were talking about the party?" Ace put his hands in his hoodie pocket. "Roy you okay?" Y/N asked. "I'm fine! Ace.." Roy looked at Ace, Ace smiled at him. "Nevermind..we can talk after the party" Roy sighed. "Are you sure?" Y/N held Roy's hand. "Yeah I'm sure" Roy smiled a little. "Alright if you need me I'll be other there" Y/N said. "Sounds good" Roy nodded. Y/N walked away. Roy slowly turned to Ace and growled. "What the fuck!" "What did I do?" Ace shrugged. "You're trying to make me look crazy! When you're the crazy one here!" Roy looked over at Y/N then back at Ace. "Whateverrrr" Ace grinned. Roy glared at Ace..

Meanwhile with Ross and Robert

"This juice tastes funny" Robert said holding a plastic red cup with some of the green punch in it. "Yeah it does" Ross looked at the juice. "Do you think someone did something to it?" Ross asked. "Like what?" Robert questioned. "Like.. Alcohol" Ross gave Robert a worried look. "..You think so! I already had like 5 cups!" "Dude...why did you drink so much if you thought it tasted weird!" "I DON'T KNOW, How many did you have?!?" Robert panicked. "I only had.....3" Ross sipped his drink. "This is bad! What's gonna happen" Robert sipped his drink as well. "I don't know dude..." They kept drinking. "Well first of all..maybe we shouldn't keep drinking it" Ross suggested as he set his cup down. "Yeah you're right" Robert set his down as well. "Now we just need to find some water and maybe it won't effect us as much if we drink some water" Ross shrugged. "Good idea" Robert smiled. "Let's go find the kitchen.."

.  .  .

Y/N sat on a metal chair, watching people from a far. Ross and Robert were looking around for God knows what and Roy and Ace were arguing about something? Roy would look over at her every now and then. "This party sucks..." Y/N sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

. . .

"Ugh you're so annoying, I'm gonna go ask your girlfriend to dance with me" Ace said as he made his way over to Y/N. "No you're not cause I'm gonna ask her first!" Roy pushed Ace out the way and speed walked to Y/N. "Y/N!" Roy shouted. "Hm?" Y/N got up. "Dance with me" Roy demanded. "You can at least ask me nicely" Y/N folded her arms. "Can you PLEASE dance with me?" Roy tapped his foot impatiently. "Sure I guess why are you in such a rush?" "No reason" Roy grabbed Y/Ns hand, then he put his hands on her waist. Y/N blushed a little as she put her hands on his shoulders. "I don't think this is how it's supposed to look" Y/N laughed. Roy looked to see where Ace was. "What are you looking for?" Y/N asked. "Nothing, Nothing" Roy said. There was silence for a minute. "Are you at least gonna talk to me?" Y/N tilted her head. "What do you wanna talk about?" Roy asked, he kept looking at Ace. "Seriously who are you looking at?" Y/N asked once again. "No Y/N do you believe me about the whole Ace trying to get you expelled thing?" "Did you just ask me to dance just so you can talk about this" "Well actually I came over here cause Ace was gonna Dance with you! And I didn't want that!" Roy said. "Why not? Do you think I can't handle whatever he's gonna do to me?" "No.. well-" "You don' me do you?" Y/N scoffed. "Of course I trust you Y/N..." Roy kepting looking at Ace. "Ugh whatever" Y/N let Roy go and walked away. "How dumb can you be?" Ace smiled. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Are you really trying to ruin your relationship with Y/N?" Ace asked. "No! Why would I do that!" "Well if you keep up whatever you're doing you're gonna ruin it, before I get the chance to do it" Ace rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Just shut up!" Roy growled.

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