Chapter 21: Lonely Scarecrow

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Y/N and the Hatzgang + Spoon, all hung out together. After hanging out Y/N and Spoon sat on a bench together, Roy insisted on her spending the night at his house but Y/N refused, she didn't wanna bother his parents, or him. Roy gave her a kiss goodbye/
goodnight and left to go to his house worried about Y/N, Ross and Robert hugged Y/N and said Goodbye, Robert was excited about hanging out with her tomorrow.

"I spy with my little eye something white" Spoon swung his legs back and forth. "Is it that daisy you've been staring at for the past 4 minutes?" Y/N pointed at a daisy growing in the crack of the sidewalk. "Yeah! You're really good at this!" Spoon smiled. Y/N smiled tiredly, she yawned and covered her mouth. "Scuse' me" "You tired Hun?" Spoon picked the daisy.
"Yeah a little" Y/N rubbed her eyes. "I wish I accepted Roy's offer to stay at his house but I really didn't wanna bother him" "We don't need to stay at his house! I've got a place we can stay!" Spoon held Y/Ns hand and got up. "Where are we gonna stay?" Y/N asked, sort of curious. "Just come with me little honey" Spoon started to walk. Y/N smiled a little and followed him.


Spoon and Y/N arrived at a big house, it was white and gold. It was gorgeous. "Is this your house!" Y/N stared in awe. "Yup!" Spoon pulled out a key in his pocket. "Thank goodness I still have it" Spoon smiled and opened up the house door. "I don't believe it! This is not your house!" Y/N put a hand on her hip. "I swear on my parents life!" Spoon exclaimed. "Well.. alright then if you say so" Y/N peeked inside, she walked in. "This is a fucking mansion! I didn't even know there were mansions in this town!" Spoon walked in after her and closed the door and locked it. "Yeah there's a couple here and there" Spoon shrugged. "Oh! By the way Y/N I lied, this isn't my house. I know I swore on my parents life but I hate my parents" Spoon walked ahead of her.

Y/N stood there for a second. "So we just broke into someone's house?" "Pretty much" Spoon said. "Never would have expected this from you Spoon" Y/N said sort of shocked at the situation. "Yeah I know, I apologise for this. Whenever I come to Starstruck I break into these people's house, I made a copy of there key so I can come in whenever" Spoon said with a smile, he didn't seem phased by what he just said. Does he even know what he's doing is wrong? Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. "Spoon this is bad, I never would have expected this from you!" Y/N exclaimed. "I completely understand that what I'm doing is wrong, and I could go to jail! But I just wanted to get a few things from this house we don't have to sleep in here if you don't want to.." Spoon scratched the back of his neck.

"Even though it is nice and warm in here..and there's a fridge full of food, some refreshing drinks..and a nice bathroom so you can take a shower-" "You had me at Shower" Y/N dropped her duffle bag and ran up the stairs. "It's the door on the left!" Spoon shouted up the stairs. He quietly made his way to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. "It's been so long since I cooked myself something to eat! Last time I was here...things were different" Spoon closed the fridge and opened the freezer. "Maybe I should make me and Pumpkin something to eat! I'm sure she would like that a lot!" Spoon smiled to himself.

Meanwhile with sour boy

Roy laid in bed staring at his ceiling like he normally does. "I hope Y/Ns okay, I should have forced her to sleep here now she's sleeping outside with some scarecrow whose dumber then a rock" he got up and walked out his room, he went downstairs. His dad was asleep on the couch, he must have fell asleep watching TV. Both his mom and dad worked night shifts, they come home late and immediately fall asleep.

Roy never talks or spends any time with his parents, he doesn't really care since he hangs out with Robert and Ross all the time. He went into the kitchen and fixed himself a glass of water, he leaned agasint the counter top, Roy rested his head on his hand and looked at the glass of water. "Tsh..I don't trust that scarecrow one bit, for all we know that could be Aces friend or something!..he could be trying to earn Y/Ns trust then stab her in the back!" Roy gasped. "Holy shit..I have to tell Robert and Ross about this, of course they'll believe me why wouldn't they, Sometimes it's hard being so smart" Roy grinned. "Roy honey, what are you doing up so late" Roy's mother yawned.

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