Chapter 13: Halloween Party (Part 1)

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Y/N laid in her bed texting Roy, after she was done buying her costume she just wanted to lay around for awhile.

Y/N:Heyy Loser
Roy:Hey Idiot
Y/N:Are you seriously gonna go to Aces party?
Roy:Ofc I am
Y/N: Alright, but don't start complaining if he starts bugging you
Roy: Whatever, Anyways what was the costume you bought? I didn't see it
Y/N:Oh I'm gonna be (Insert Costume)
Roy: Lmao that's dumb
Y/N:Shut up my costume is amazing
Roy:Yeah keep telling yourself that
Y/N: Whatever, I'm gonna take a nap
Roy:Have fun
Y/N:Lmao I'll try having fun while Napping?? Talk to you later Moron
Roy:Later Rat

Y/N set her phone down, and turned over to face her wall. Hopefully the party is gonna be good, Y/N closed her eyes and started to sleep..

"Hey New girl wake up" Ace said snapping his fingers. Y/N jolted awake, she instantly got up, still tired. "Wha- What..? Ace? Where.." "Shhh" Ace put a finger over his mouth. Y/N looked around, She was in a nice looking house. Y/N turned to see a couch, they must be in the living room. "Ace what's going on?" Y/N yawned as she sat back down and rubbed her head. "You don't remember?" Ace sat on the table behind him. "R.. Remember what?.." Y/N looked at Ace. "Well..after the party Roy said he didn't like you fact he said he hated you. He thinks that you're a good for nothing piece of trash..Y/N" Ace shook his head. "Roy would never!" Y/N exclaimed. "I would never lie to you Y/N, Roy just simply doesn't like you" Ace grinned, he got up. "Face the music, New girl. He just got tired of you-" SMACK "Shut the hell up!" Y/N clenched the hand she just smacked Ace with. "I'm leaving! And I'm going to find Roy" Y/N was about to walk away but Ace shoved her to the wall. "I'm trying to help you and this is the "Thanks" I get? Tch you really are pathetic Y/N" Y/Ns chest started to tighten up a little, it was getting hard to breathe. "What the hell is going on?" Y/N thought. "It's see you like this, after Roy and you started dating you became so weak" Ace laughed. Y/N couldn't talk nor breathe. "See you later New girl" Ace walked away.

. . .

Y/N gasped and opened her eyes she sat up in a rush, making her feel dizzy. She was in her room. "..Was that a dream? Holy shit" Y/N opened her curtains, it was night. She looked over at her clock, it glew red. "11:00 pm" "I was sleeping for that long? The dream felt so.." Before Y/N could finish her sentence she grabbed a jacket and put some shoes on, she slid open her window and carefully got down. She started to run. Her mind was blank as she went to the left, then a right then straight. Y/N was at the bridge. She walked down the hill without falling or tripping like she normally does. "Ross!" She suddenly called out, not excepting anyone to say anything back. "Y/N?" Y/N saw Ross and ran towards him. "I'm so glad you're here! I-I" "Are you okay?? Did something happen?" Ross looked at her. "I just.." Y/N looked at Ross. "Can we..just talk?"

"Of course we can" Ross smiled as he sat down on a long rock. Y/N sat next to him like last time. "..Ross, Do you think Roy hates me?" "Hates you? No way!..Well don't tell him I said this but..he's obsessed with you" Ross said. "Really..?" "Yeah! He always talks about you whenever me, Robert, and him hangout" Ross gave Y/N a little grin. "Aw...that's so sweet of him.." Y/N said. "He really does like ya Y/N" Ross reassured her. Y/N nodded, she smiled to herself then hugged Ross. "Thanks Ross, I really needed that..I had some fucked up dream.." Ross blushed a little as she hugged him. (😳) Ross hugged Y/N back. "No problem.." Y/N kept hugging Ross, she didn't feel awkward or weird hugging him for such a long period of time. It was like hugging a friend she hadn't seen in years...Y/N slowly let go of Ross and rubbed her eye smiling at him. "I'm sorry, I must be annoying to have to deal with" Y/N laughed. "Of course not Y/N, I would be happy to talk to you every night..I really don't mind it" Ross smiled. Y/N smiled. "Thanks again.." Y/N hugged Ross again. "I should go back to my house..but I'm kinda scared to go back to sleep" Y/N chuckled tiredly. "I sound so stupid" "You can stay here with me and we can just talk" Ross suggested. "Really?" Y/N said, sort of surprised. "Yeah" Ross nodded. "Alright then.." Y/N smiled. They both sat there talking to each other, for what felt like hours..

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