Chapter 18: Harvest Festival

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"Why the hell are there 2 kids in the cart" "Y'know how Teens are, jumping probably doing drugs? I don't know what kids do now and days"  "Just leave em alone I'm sure they'll wake up, the Festival is starting soon anyway"

. . .

"Pumpkinnnn wake upppp you're gonna miss the festival" "Pumpkin..."


Y/N opened her eyes and rubbed them, she lifted her head up. "Ugh..where am I..who are you.." Y/N stretched. "Don't cha remember me! I'm your friend, Spoon!" Spoon looked worried. "Of course I remember you Spoon, I'm only joking" Y/N yawned. "Oh great! Come on Pumpkin! You gotta get ready for the Harvest Festival!" Spoon pulled Y/N up on her feet. Y/N grabbed her pillow and blanket and duffle bag, Spoon pulled her out the train. There were wooden stands everywhere, people were selling their handmade stuff, or handmade food and drinks. The smell of pumpkin spice lingerd the air, kind of like what Spoon smelled like. "Aren't you excited!" "Yeah I'm excited" Y/N rubbed her face. Spoon gasped and suddenly ran into a crowd of people. "Wait Spoon!" Y/N tried to run after him, she bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry-" Y/N looked up to see a walking scarecrow, they tipped their little hat at Y/N, they continued to walk...she stood there for a second. "Uhm..Spoon!" Y/N pushed through the crowd. She finally found Spoon, he was looking at candles and talking to some guy, Y/N didn't get a good look at the guys face. "Hey Spoon! Don't run off like that I could have gotten lost" "Aw I'm sorry Pumpkin I just wanted to be first to get my favorite candle, get's called "Pumpkin Spice!" I love the smell of Pumpkins, I even smell like one! It reminds me of Fall and I adore Fall!" Spoon gushed over Fall, like someone gushing over their crush. "I would like to buy this Candle, sir!" Spoon handed the guy the candle. "That'll be $5" the guy said. Spoon rumaged through his pockets and took out a crumbled up $5 bill, he handed it to the man and took his candle.

Spoon stood there for a minute then gasped. "Oh I'm so sorry Pumpkin! I didn't ask if you wanted anything. I'm so selfish" Spoon lowered his head. "Aw don't worry about it Spoon, I don't need anything here" Y/N patted his back. "Yeah but this is your first Harvest Festival! I wanted to buy ya something!" Spoon looked at his candle in disappointment. "We can always come back when it starts again" Y/N shrugged. "Me and you! You mean.. we're gonna be friends for that long!" Spoon smiled. "Of course! We can be friends for as long as you want-" "Forever!" Spoon blurted out. "That works" Y/N chuckled. Y/N glanced over at someone, she looked back at Spoon then back at the person. They looked familiar and she didn't know anyone here, the person looked at her but Y/N looked away quickly. "Hm.." "Come on Pumpkin!" Spoon grabbed Y/Ns hand. He ran to a stand. "Pretzels! I love Pretzels.." Spoon frowned at the Pretzel stand, then smiled again. "I got an idea wait here!" Spoon ran away somewhere, leaving Y/N alone at this Pretzel stand.
Y/N looked around, this was a very pretty place.

When Y/N use to move around a lot, she would go back and forth between Country side and Cities, so she got to experience both. Y/N liked being in a town in the country side, it was quiet and sometimes boring as hell but what she really loved was the clear sky. In a city you don't really get any clear skies just pretty building lights. Y/N loves looking at the moon and the stars, she always has.

Y/N waited for Spoon. "What's taking so long?" She tapped her foot, the bag in her hand was starting to get heavy so she put the two straps on each shoulder like a backpack.  She looked around again, Someone was walking towards her. He had a dark orange hoodie with black pants, his hair was messy, he had black lines going down his mouth like Spoon had. "Howdy! Are you new here?" The Scarecrow guy smiled, he also a had southern accent, his was more there then Spoons. "Uh yeah I'm Y/N" Y/N backed away a little. "Nice name! Well welcome! I hope you have a wonderful day!" The guy smiled. Y/N nodded. "Um whats your name?" "Oh I'm Eca! Pretty weird name I know" Eca chuckled. "No it's a nice name!" Y/N smiled. "Thanks" Eca grinned.

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