Chapter 17: Train Hobo

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3 years later. . .(when you moved you were 13 so now you're 16)

"Dear Mom and Dad, I'm gonna be hopping a train and going back to our old town, it's been three years now and I can't bare to wait 2 more without seeing Roy or my friends. I hope you understand, Besides I have unfinished Business there. I gotta take care of someone before it's too late. I've been having nightmares about them for 2 years straight now, And I think it's time for those nightmares to stop. If you really loved me you wouldn't call the police and have them come find me. Just stay at home and I'll be back in no time! Love Y/N"

Y/N set her pen down. "That sounds good, right?" She drew hearts and doodles on the piece of paper. "Hehe Cute" she got up from her desk and grabbed her duffle bag. Y/N opened her window and threw her duffle bag on the ground, she turned around and fell out the window backwards landing on her duffle bag. "Fuck! I almost broke my back, damn I need to stop trying to do cool stuff when no one's watching, do it when people are watching Y/N!" She picked up her duffle bag and ran up the street. The train was about to come, the train tracks weren't that far from her house, just up the street and boom right there. Y/N kept running, The train whistle could be heard from a distance. Y/N finally made it to the tracks, she panted. "Ughh" she groaned. It was perfect timing, the train went past her. Y/N ran and tried to grab onto the handles of one of the carts, she ran faster and jumped, she got a hold of one of the cart handles she got on the train and opened up the cart.

Y/N rolled in the train and sighed. "Phew...." "Hey New girl!" Y/N jolted up and turned around. It was some guy with baggy high waisted pants with patches on them, he had a Brown, red, and yellow stripped sweater, he also had black lines going down his mouth, it must have been makeup, his hair was a dark grey. It was very messy and it looked dirty.  "Oh um hello" Y/N waved hi. "I've never seen you on these trains before! What's your name?" The guy looked to be about Y/Ns age, what was he doing hopping trains? He also had a slight southern accent mixed with a city accent, it was honestly cute.  "I'm Y/N, what about you?" "I'm Spoon, nice to meet cha!" Spoon smiled and sat down on the edge of the cart looking at the full moon. "Spoon..that's an interesting name" Y/N sat her duffle bag down and sat next to him.

"I gave myself that name, I like it! Hey I should give you a nickname! It should be New girl since you're new to these trains!" Spoon smiled. " nickname gives me bad memories, how about something else?" Y/N scratched the back of her neck nervously. "Hmm" Spoon thought for a moment then snapped. "I got it! Your name will be Pumpkin! Since you're as cute as one!" Spoon chuckled. Y/N grinned. "I like that nickname!" She looked up at the moon and smiled. "Are you going to the Harvest Festival, Pumpkin?" Spoon asked. "Hm? Oh no I don't even know where that is.. I'm just trying to go see my friends!" Y/N smiled as she thought of Roy. "What's the town called?" "Oh it's (Imma make up a town name) Starstruck" (IDK if you don't like the name you can change it)

"Starstruck! golly, Pumpkin.. I'm afraid you're on the wrong train" Spoon frowned. "What! Oh no..where's this train taking us?" Y/N sighed. "Scarecrow Hollow! Where the Harvest Festival is!" Spoon smiled. "I can take you to Starstruck, but to do that we gotta stop at Scarecrow Hollow and attend the Harvest Festival. Cause after the Harvest Festival the trains come in to pick something up I ain't sure what but those trains always go to Starstruck!" Spoon explained. Y/N nodded. "Um Alright that doesn't sound too bad..not what I had planned but it's better then not going to see my friends at all" "That's the spirit, Pumpkin!" Spoon patted Y/N on the back. Y/N looked at Spoon. "Do you have any friends where you're from? I bet they're waiting for you right?" Spoon frowned. "As sad as it is Miss Pumpkin, I ain't got many friends, people don't really like me. They think I'm too "friendly" I smile too much and they think it's weird. Which makes no damn sense, excuse my language but people always say they want a nice person as a friend or boyfriend but they never pick the nice guy, they always go for the Jerks" Spoon huffed a sigh.

"Poor Spoon" Y/N frowned. "I'll be your friend" Y/N offered. Spoon looked at Y/N with wide eyes. "you mean it! You'll be my friend!" Y/N nodded. "This is the greatest day of my life! Thank you Pumpkin! Thank you!" Spoon hugged Y/N. Y/N hugged him back.

"Tomorrow we'll have Soo much fun! We'll play some festival games, we'll eat festival food, drink festival drinks! It'll be amazing!" Spoon smiled big. "Can't wait" Y/N smiled, she crawled over to her duffle bag and got out a big pillow and blanket. "Well I'm tired I'm going to sleep" "oh! I'll go to sleep too!" Spoon said, he went to the corner of the train and went into a little ball and laid down. "You're not cold?" Y/N looked at Spoon. "Oh yeah I am! I'm freezing like hell!" "Well I have a big enough blanket and pillow, you can use half of it and I use the other half y'know?" Y/N lifted up the blanket inviting Spoon to come over. "Gee Pumpkin you're awfully nice" "Aw, thank you. That's the first time I've been called nice since forever" Y/N smiled. Spoon went over to Y/N and got on one side and went under the blanket. "This feels like heaven! I haven't slept under a blanket in forever! I forgot how feels!" Spoon turned to face. Y/N smiled. They both stared at each for awhile, until Spoon started to blush. "Are we just gonna stare at each other like this all night or are we gonna get some rest?" "I'll turn over this way" Y/N said, blushing in embrassment. As she turned the other way, she felt Spoon shuffle the other way as well. He was facing the open cart door and she was facing the wall. "Night Pumpkin!" "Night Spoon"

(This was a short chapter I know but, the original Chapter was like TERRIBLE! Like it's completely different from this one like the Original one I was gonna publish was so bad and I just couldn't publish it I couldn't do that to you guys 😭 so I deleted all 4567 words and like started fresh and I got this! Which I'm very proud of! I can't wait to see how it goes and I hope you guys enjoyed this more then I did writing it! I hope you have a Good Morning/Afternoon/Night byeee)

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