Chapter 9: Argument (Part 2)

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Y/N arrived at school, people were walking to the cafeteria. "Damn was I gone for that long?" Y/N mutterd. "What the hell-" "Y/N! Where have you been?" Robert said from behind her. Y/N jumped at the sudden voice and sighed when she saw Robert. "Oh um hey..I was skipping school with Ace" "Oh cool! How was it?" Robert asked. "Pretty nice, um sorry to change the subject but where's Roy?" Y/N looked at Robert and Ross. "He's at the library, I can take you to him while Robert saves our spot if that's okay with you Robert" Ross said. "Sure, be back quick though" Robert said walking up to the cafeteria. "Oh uh Ross you don't have to walk-" "No, No, I insist" Ross smirked as he patted Y/N's back and walked next to her. Once they were away from people walking towards the cafeteria, Ross said."I know what happend last night"  "Um..y-you do?.." Y/N's heart started to beat fast. "Yup, I saw. You and Roy were..kissing" Ross smiled. "Oh gosh" Y/N blushed in embrassment. "I-I didn't mean to I um-I-" "Don't bother trying to come up with an excuse. I already know. It's none of my business but you should just tell him, I know something you don't and with that I can't tell you what'll happen when you tell Roy what you need to tell him" "So I'm just gonna have to do it and see what happens!" Y/N said half annoyed. "Pretty much" Ross shrugged. They made it to the library, Ross opened the door for her. "He's sitting in the back, good luck" Ross said. "Thanks.." Y/N felt sick to her stomach, she walked into the library. It was quiet, the librarian was sitting in her chair reading a book. No one was really in here except for Roy, he was sitting in the back. He was scribbling on a piece of paper. Y/N took a deep breath and walked over to him, each step she took the knot in her stomach got tighter and tighter. She felt like she was going to throw up. Y/N sat next to Roy, he didn't even see her. "Ahem.." Y/N coughed. Roy lifted his head up and looked at Y/N. " the hell do you want" Roy said harshly. "Rude..but anyways I wanted to talk can we go outside and talk" Y/N said. "...fine" Roy grabbed the piece of paper and put it in his pocket. He got up, Y/N got up as well and started to walk out. Roy followed. After they walked out Y/N walked towards an empty hallway, one of the lights were broken so it was just two lights. Roy put his back agasint the Wall. "So what is it.." he wiped his eye and looked at Y/N. Y/N noticed how is eyes were a little puffy and red. ".. Damnit now I feel bad.." Y/N thought to herself. "Well..I just...last night-" "You don't need to remind me, I know it was a mistake" Roy looked at the floor. "No Roy-" "You don't need to explain anything to me just save it..stupid loser" "Shut up and let me finish" "Why should I! I know exactly what you're gonna say and if I already know what you're gonna say then why should I even bother being here and listening!" "Roy just...please" Y/N rubbed her arm and sighed. "Please just listen to me" Roy shook his head no and walked away. Y/N quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him. "Roy!-" Roy pulled away from Y/N and pushed her away. "Don't touch me!" Roy fumed. Y/N pushed Roy back. "Ugh! I hate you! Just leave me alone!" Roy shouted, he was getting annoyed. "Well I don't!" Y/N said. "You don't what...?" "I don't hate you!" Y/N said. Roy stood there for a minute, "What-" "I don't hate you..I like you Roy...I like you, but now I know that you don't so yeah.." Y/N sniffled. "No..Y/N I-" "No, No, I get it. Of course you don't like me. Why would you right? I'm just a "Troublemaker" that moves towns every 2 seconds! Right? What's the point in having a relationship with some loser huh? What did you say that one day..? Wasn't it something along the lines of my parents must be disappointed in me or something like that?" Y/N said. "Y/N I'm-" "Save it Roy! You're the first person I've fallen head over heels for. I fell hard for you, I have no clue why but damnit I fell hard cause I like you no matter what you say or do!" Y/N sighed and turned around and walked off.

Roy walked after Y/N. "Y/N! Y/N! Wait!" Y/N kept walking. Roy finally caught up to her and grabbed her arm. "I' sorry, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I put you through hell and back. I was being a dick.. I've had a crush on you from the first time I saw you. I understand if you don't like me anymore I was-" Mwa mwa
Y/N kissed Roy then quickly pulled her head back and put her hands on his cheeks. "Shut up, loser. Of course I like you" Y/N smiled. Roy blushed hard. "W-Well..I knew that" Y/N giggled and kissed his forehead. She blushed and took her hands off his face. "So do-" "NO!- I mean- I wanna ask you if that's okay!-" Roy blushed. "Sure" Y/N nodded. "W-Well I'm gonna ask you after school" Roy said. "Hehe alright then" Y/N smiled. Roy blushed hard. "W-Well I'm gonna go see Ross and Robert, U-Um bye C-Cutie" Roy walked away. Y/N giggled and blushed, wow..this couldn't be real..."Well, Well, Well...Nice job New girl" Ace leaned agasint the wall. Y/N turned around. "Oh hey Ace..did you hear all that" Y/N's face turned red. " you two a thing?" Ace asked. "No not yet, he's gonna ask me after school" Y/N smiled. "Nice.. I'm sure you two will make a very good couple" Ace smiled, he walked over to Y/N. "But..there's just one thing" Ace said. "What is it?" Y/N asked. "Well..what if he just goes back to treating you the same way he use to? Pushing you, punching you, insulting you. What are you gonna do then?" Ace put his hands on Y/N's shoulders. "I don't think..-" "Trust me new girl..I think he might be using you" Ace said. "But...he said he liked me-" Y/N said. "New girl.. don't tell me you're that naive, they're obviously lies" Ace grinned. Y/N shifted around, she brushed Aces hands off her shoulders. "Um..I..I gotta go now, Thanks for the advice I guess..see you around Ace" Y/N walked away. "See ya new girl" Ace smiled. "Poor thing..."

(What's Ace up to? Hmmm I wonder 🤔 oh and congrats with your relationship with Roy! Maybe he'll take you on a date next chapter! Hopefully nothing goes wrong:Also you already know if they're spelling mistakes then you can kiss my forehead and watch Netflix with me. Hope you have a good day/night/afternoon 💖)

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