Chapter 22: Morning disaster

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"I want a donut" Y/N rubbed her eyes. "I have a $1" Spoon handed Y/N a dollar. "Thanks" Y/N took it from Spoon. "I-I wasn't giving it to you" Spoon frowned a little. "It's just a dollar, I'll pay you back" Y/N put the dollar in her pocket. "I have a feeling you won't pay me back until I'm 20 or something" Spoon whined. "Shhh" Y/N put her hand on Spoons shoulder. "Don't worry baby, I'll pay you back in a year of two" Y/N smiled at him. Spoon blushed a little. "Whatever, I'll have $2 by then" Y/N chuckled. "Yeah but then you'll have $3 cause I'll give you one" "I hate math" Spoon grumbled. "What? we weren't talking about math" Y/N tilted her head. "I just wanted to let you know" Spoon shrugged. "Uh Alright then" Y/N kept walking.

Spoon and Y/N left the mansion early in the morning, they didn't have time to eat breakfast because Spoon was rushing Y/N out the Mansion. So they're now looking for a place to go eat at. Y/N sat down on the curb. "My body aches.. I'm gonna sit for awhile, I don't know how the hell your body doesn't hurt, you got stabbed and you seem fine" "Oh no my body hurts really bad but I refuse to rest!" Spoon shouted. "Anyways, I could go get breakfast for you and bring it back" Spoon offered. Y/N looked at Spoon. "You wouldn't mind?" "Not at all!" Spoon gave Y/N a thumbs up. "Alright just get me anything, I'll give you some money" Y/N opened up her duffle bag and took out $20 and handed it to Spoon. "Alright Pumpkin, I'll get it for you! Just stay put alright?" "Thanks Spoon and yeah I'll stay right here don't worry" Y/N smiled.

Spoon nodded, he happily walked away bouncing up and down. "I wonder what he's gonna get.." Y/N tapped her foot.

. . .

"Do you think we'll find her? Is she okay?" "Roy, I'm sure she's fine" "You don't know that! I don't trust that fucking scarecrow..he's up to something!" "Spoon is a nice guy.." "Tsh if Robert was here he would agree with me" "No he wouldn't, he would agree with me" "Shut up and help me find Y/N!" "She's right there"

"Where!" "Haha I was only joking" "Ross this isn't the time to be joking you dingbat!" "Sorry"

Roy crossed his arms. Ross looked around, both his hands were in his pockets. "Hm.." Roy and Ross kept walking. "Hey wait is that her over there" Ross said. Roy looked. "Um I think so!"

. . .

Y/N hummed her made up song as she kicked rocks. "Y/N!" Roy shouted. "What?" Y/N looked to her left, Roy was walking over to her. "I was so worried about you! I thought something was gonna happen to you" Roy hugged her. "I think you forget I was kicked out of many schools cause of my fighting problems, I know how to take care of myself, dummy" Y/N hugged Roy back. "Yeah I know but I can still worry about you, idiot" Roy kissed Y/Ns cheek. Y/N blushed. "You don't need to worry about look tired" "I didn't sleep good" "Tsh and you said you're worried about me, you look like a zombie" Y/N rolled her eyes. "Shut up, I stayed up all night cause I was worried about you. Ace is still out here y'know" Roy rubbed his eye. "Aww poor Roy, hes so tired, poor little baby" Y/N kissed Roy's cheek. "Ugh you're so annoying"

"I know you love me" Y/N grinned. Roy blushed. Y/N went over to Ross and hugged him. "Hey Ross, wheres Robert at?" "He's still asleep, it's pretty early y'know. But Roy forced me to help him "find" you" Ross hugged Y/N back. "Ugh Roy, Ross needs his sleep, poor thing" Y/N pinched Ross's cheeks. "Yeah Roy I need my sleep" Ross grinned. "Yeah right, he literally stays up until the ass crack of dawn don't even start with that bullshit" Roy said bitterly. Y/N laughed. "Where's Spoon?" Ross asked Y/N. "Oh he went to go get some breakfast for me and him but he's been gone for awhile now, I hope he's okay" Y/N rubbed her arm. "I'm sure he's fine, probably got distracted or something"

Roy shrugged it off. Y/N knew he didn't give two shits about Spoon, she could care less if he did or not, she cared about Spoon and that's all that mattered. "I guess I'll keep waiting for him" "We'll wait with you and keep you company" Ross sat next to Y/N. "Thanks guys.."

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