Chapter 10:Oh Fuck

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Y/N couldn't focus in class at all. After all that happened she needed a little break, this all happened so..quickly? She forgave Roy like if he didn't do all that horrible stuff to her. Y/N of course didn't want to start any drama or more fights but damn, things felt off. Maybe her and Roy just needed to talk for a little, of course she wasn't just about to be all soft towards Roy! Ha! Like that'll ever happen. Just in case Ace is right. Y/N didn't want Roy to make fun of her for being all affectionate towards him, Y/N wasn't usually the affectionate type. It wasn't really her thing..Y/N looked out the window, it was a nice afternoon. Brown, red, and orange leaves flew in the sky and landed safely on the ground. "Can't wait for Halloween...maybe I should make a list of what I should be" Y/N thought to herself. She smiled as she looked outside, not paying any attention to the teacher. "Y/N! Can you tell me what I just said?" Mrs. Anderson said out of the blue. Y/N looked at Mrs.Anderson. "Why? Do you not remember what you just said" The Class giggled. "I most certainly remember what I just said, I'm just seeing if you remember what I said or if you were even paying attention!" Mrs. Anderson put her hand on her hip. "Obviously I wasn't, I was looking outside and I for one think if looking outside is better then listening to you talk then that's certainly a problem don't you think?" "Well I-" "You what? You can't try and make teaching less boring, it's your job to make learning "fun" isn't it?" Y/N grabbed her stuff and looked at the clock. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go" "But Class is isn't over!-" BRRRRRRNG The school bell rang loudly. (I don't even think schools have school bells anymore) Y/N walked out the classroom. Kids ran out the classroom, laughing and talking about what just happened. "Wow new girl is cool!" Some people said. Y/N smiled to herself, "Hey Y/N! what you did back there was funny as hell!" Ross laughed. Y/N smiled. "You think so?" "Yeah it was!" Robert added. "Well you see I'm just-" "Miss Y/N!" Mrs. Anderson shouted. Y/N groaned and turned around. "Yeah?" "Please come here, I would like to speak with you" Mrs. Anderson folded her arms. "Mrs. Anderson, I believe it is a Friday today and on Fridays I like to relax. I know exactly what you're gonna do and I'm not gonna sit in your classroom for a couple hours writing about how disrespectful I was. Just call my parents. Don't bother me" Y/N said, she walked away, The Hatzgang followed her. "Oh by the way um Roy could we talk outside" Y/N rubbed the back of her neck, she blushed a little. "Uh..Sure" Roy said. Ross nudged Robert and snickerd. Robert giggled as he watched Y/N and Roy walk outside, "So..did you still wanna ask me that question?" Y/N asked. ", I was wondering wanted to girlfriend" Roy's face was all red, he looked like a little cherry! Y/N smiled. "Of course loser" she put her hands in her pockets and blushed. "S-So what do you wanna do now" Roy folded his arms then pulled his hat down a little. "Well we could go to the bridge and-" "New girl!" Ace said, opening the school doors. "Oh um hey Ace" Y/N waved hi to Ace. "Sup, we should hangout today!" Ace got closer to them. "I would love that Ace but I can't, I'm hanging out with Roy today!" Y/N said. "Aw thats too bad, I was hoping you had some free time" Ace glanced at Roy, he smiled. "What's up Roy" Roy didn't answer him, instead he just stood there, glaring at him like he always did. "I'll take that as a "Hello Ace" Ace winked at him. Roy rolled his eyes in disgust. "Anyways new girl remember what I said?" Ace put his one hand on Y/N's shoulder. "..uh yeah" Y/N responded. "Tell me if anything happens, heres my phone number" Ace rumaged through his pocket and was about to hand it to Y/N but Roy grabbed it out his hand and ripped it into tiny pieces then threw it in Aces face. "Damn Roy, what was that for?" Ace still kept his smile but Y/N could tell he was a little pissed. "Fuck off Ace she doesn't need any of your shit! Just leave her alone" Roy hissed. "I'm trying to help her out" Ace mutterd. "Help her with what?" Roy asked. Ace scratched his cheek a little and thought for a moment. "Umm hmm...I can't think of a lie so I'm just gonna walk away now" Ace slowly walked away backwards then he suddenly took off his beanie and threw it to Y/N. "Oh no I dropped my beanie! I guess you can return it to me later, here I'll tell you my address" Ace said. Roy grabbed the beanie and threw it at Ace. "Go away!" "Fine.. gosh, so mean" Ace put his beanie back on and left.

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