Chapter 19: Ruined Date (Part 1)

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"Why do you keep doing this? You know I'm never gonna like you" Y/N crossed her arms. "I just want you for myself is that too much to ask?" Ace smiled. "Yeah it really is" Y/N leaned her back against the wall. "..Y'know sometimes I wish I could go back in time to when we first met, so I could see how you use to look at me before all this happened. Back then you looked happy to see me, now it's just anger" Ace said. "Stop making me feel bad for you" Y/N teared up a bit. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad.. I'm just saying what I wish I could do" "I don't fucking care, it's your fault! If you would have just been cool then none of this would have happened I could have spent the rest of my life with Roy! I wouldn't have to have a chunk of my life with him ripped away from me! I wouldn't have to have nightmares about YOU or sit on my bed wondering if my friends are okay because there's some crazy idiot trying to kill us!!"

Y/N rubbed her eyes, she then started to cry. "Oh fuck...I miss Roy so much, you took a piece of my life away with him that I can never get back. We haven't even had Christmas together yet and I like Christmas...some cookies sound nice right now.."

"Chill out new girl it was only 3 years.." Ace shrugged. Y/N looked at Ace. "Chill out? CHILL OUT!? FUCK OFF! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE AWAY FROM SOMEONE YOU LOVE FOR 3 YEARS Because SOME FUCKING IDIOT WHO WEARS A BEANIE DECIDED HE WANTED TO BE AN EDGE LORD!!" Y/N sat on the ground. She just cried. Ace sat there watching her, he hesitated to comfort her. Ace gently placed his hand on her back. "I don't even think you love just love fucking with me and messing with my head" Y/N sobbed. "..Y/N..I-"

Y/N jolted awake. She rubbed her face, she had some tears on her cheeks. She rubbed them off. She quickly looked to her right, Spoon wasn't there sleeping. She looked to her left and saw Spoon sitting on the edge of the cart, looking at the night sky. Y/N sighed, her heart was beating fast. "..Spoon?"  Spoon turned around and smiled. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry" Spoon said quietly. "N-No..I just had a nightmare is all" Y/N got up, she had the blanket around her like a cape, she sat down next to Spoon.

"Was it about yesterday?" Spoon asked. ".. Something like that" Y/N wiped more of the tears away. "You were talking in your sleep a bit" Spoon chuckled lightly. "Heh..sorry if my talking woke you" Y/N frowned a little. Spoon looked at Y/N. "No, didn't wake me at all! I just have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night" Spoon rubbed his arms and shivered a little. Y/N handed Spoon the blanket. Spoon smiled. "Thank you Pumpkin" Spoon wrapped the blanket around him. "Its almost gonna be Halloween, are ya excited!" "..Not really" Y/N thought about the party Ace invited her to years ago. "It'll be fun, cause I'll be there with ya!" Spoon grinned. Y/N smiled a little. "How are you so happy all the time? I don't think I could do that" Y/N chuckled.

"Well Miss Pumpkin, I just tell myself that I have no time to be sad! And that's the truth..I can't spend all my time crying! So I just keep my head up and continue doing what I gotta do!" Spoon explained. "But I'll tell you the truth..sometimes I can't help myself, sometimes you gotta let it out! If you don't then you'll have random burst of rage or you cry at minor inconveniences! It's just not healthy!" Spoon shrugged.

Y/N felt a pit in her stomach. "He just called me out without knowing he called me out, damn" "Well thank goodness I don't do that" Y/N did a forced laugh. "Well I would hope not! With all this shit going on! Excuse my language darlin' but damn you're going through some shit, I hope you don't keep your emotions in..cause that would be terrible!" Spoon exclaimed. Y/N felt sick. "Um yeah of course I..let my emotions out" "Well good!" Spoon patted Y/Ns back. Spoons words repeated in Y/Ns head.

"Jeez maybe that's what's wrong with me, I never really vented to anyone before.." Y/N bit her lip. Y/N hasn't even vented to the Hatzgang, Roy would sometimes called and vent to her, she didn't mind at all. Sometimes she would wish she could vent to him but she just couldn't bring herself to do so. "Um..." Y/N sighed. "You excited to go to Starstruck?" Y/N asked Spoon trying to change the subject.

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