Chapter 24: Happily ever after?

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(TW warning: Blood, stabbing, demons, dead body, the usual y'know)

Y/N and Roy went downstairs, Spoon was asleep. Y/N walked past Spoon and so did Roy. "Did you want anything to drink? Eat? You can have anything in the fridge" Roy offered. "No it's alright, I'm not hungry or thirsty just.. really really sore" Last night replayed in Y/Ns head like VHS, that look in Aces eyes sent shivers down her spine, he looked fucking crazy.."Are you sure? If you need anything just ask" Roy said. Y/N nodded.

"What do you have to say about your house-" "Mansion" "Right.. Mansion being broken into?" "Well whoever did it, I hope they're happy! They broke a piece of my balcony off and got blood everywhere!" "Was there a body?" "No, not that I know of or saw"

Y/N looked at the TV, it was the bald man from the paintings in the house. "Hmm so no body, but a bunch of blood, we're so sorry that happened to you we-"

Roy changed the channel. "I don't like that guy.." he went into the kitchen. "The guy who lives on the house on the hill?" Y/N followed him. "Yeah, I don't like him" Roy got a glass cup from the cabinet. Y/N looked back at the TV. "They said they didn't find a body.." Y/N added. "So?" Roy opened the fridge and got out a pitcher full of water. "Well Aces body was right in front of the door when we left where is he?" Y/N leaned against the wall. Roy silently drank his water. Y/N looked at the floor nervously. Roy set the glass down and sighed. "Let's not worry about it.. I'm sure he's gone for good" Y/N nodded.

Arms suddenly wrapped around Y/Ns waist, whoever was behind her hugged her tight. "Morning Pumpkin!" Spoon exclaimed. Y/N sighed in relief. "Morning Spoon! Did you sleep well?" Spoon let go of her. "Yeah! I feel much better then yesterday!" "That's great! I'm really happy you're okay.." Y/N looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt.." "Apple dumpling, it's okay! You don't need to apologize, I would get stabbed for you any day....that sounds crazy but it's true, you're my best friend!" Spoon smiled. Y/N smiled back at him. Roy rolled his eyes. "You two lovebirds done flirting?" He walked over to Y/N and Spoon, he pulled Y/N closer to him.

Spoon blushed. "W-We ain't flirting!" "Yeah, Yeah" Roy held Y/Ns hand and lead her to the living room. Spoon of course followed.

"Can we walk for a bit" Roy asked. "Oh sure" Y/N nodded. Roy looked at Spoon. "Don't bring your dog with you" Roy opened the door and walked out. "He's not my dog" Y/N rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Anyways drop your dog off at the pound, I wanna hangout with you" Roy stuck his tonuge out at Spoon in disgust. Spoon smiled at Roy. Roy rolled his eyes. "He doesn't mind being alone for an hour or two, right Spoon?" Y/N turned to Spoon. "Oh uh..Yeah no! I don't mind, I can be alone for an hour or two! No problem at all!" Spoon smiled. "Cool, we won't be long" Y/N gave Spoon a hug, Spoon hugged her back. "Alright Pumpkin, be safe!" "I will" Y/N let go of Spoon and smiled, she waved bye as she walked over to Roy. Roy walked away, Y/N followed. "How are you guys so close didn't you just meet like..a couple days ago?" Roy looked at Y/N full of confusion. "I don't know, he's just so nice, he's easy to talk too" Y/N explained. "I'm easy to talk too" Roy looked at Y/N, offended. "Well..." Y/N rubbed the back of her neck. "You don't think I'm easy to talk to!" Roy gasped. "I'm gonna be honest, no you're not easy to talk to" Y/N shrugged. "I'm offended by your hurtful words...I...I..I..think I'm gonna cry" Roy covered his face. "Oh hush! You know I don't mean it in a bad way!" Y/N giggled. Roy uncovered his face and grinned. "Mm..if you give me a kiss I might forgive you" Y/N blushed and laughed. "You're such a loser" Y/N kissed Roy. Roy kissed her back.

Y/N blushed, suddenly a sharp pain came from her stomach and legs. "Ow! Ow, ow.. damnit" Y/N leaned agasint Roy. "I forgot that Ace fucked me up" Y/N sat on the edge of someone's lawn, she didn't notice the pain until now. "Ugh..hey Roy..when Ace got you, did he say or do anything at the mansion?" Roy stood in front of Y/N. "Yeah..he said some stuff" Y/N waited for Roy to tell her what he said. Roy sighed.

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