Chapter 8: Argument (Part 1)

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Y/N sat in the empty classroom she coverd her face with her hands and just waited, thoughts raced in her mind. "Did I say something wrong?" "Is it because I said that kiss was a mistake? I didn't mean it" "Dumb Roy, why can't he take a hint..I obviously.. like-" "Yoo New girl what's up" Ace said loudly, Interuptting her thoughts. Y/N lifted up her head. "oh hi Ace.." "What's wrong? You seem down and out" Ace asked. "It's a long story and besides I don't really wanna talk about it" Y/N rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. "That's alright, well whatever's the matter I hope things work out in the end" Ace smiled. Y/N nodded and looked down at her desk. They both were silent for a minute or two before Ace said. "Let's skip" "Wha?-" "I said let's skip, you obviously need a day off. So whaddya say new girl?" Ace grinned. Y/N looked up at Ace and smiled. "Sounds nice" Y/N got up. "That's what I'm talking about, let's head out new girl" Ace grabbed Y/N's hand and they walked out. "So where do you wanna go?" Ace said as they walked down the halls. "I kinda want some candy right now" Y/N said. "Candy store it is" Ace said. They kept walking down the halls, Suddenly Y/N pulled Ace over into another hall. "What are-" "Shh!" Y/N hissed.

"It's gonna be alright Roy, don't worry" "Yeah Roy, even though we don't know what's wrong we're here for you" "Thanks guys.." Roy, Ross, and Robert all passed by taking a left down another hall. "..phew" Y/N walked back out into the main hallway, Ace following her. "Why are you avoiding the Hatzgang?" "I'm uh..not I just have a surprise for them and I didn't want them to ask me about it" Y/N said looking at the floors. Ace looked at Y/N and put his arm around her shoulder. "Awfully nice of you New girl, I didn't know you had it in ya" "Oh shush, sometimes you gotta be nice to the peasants sometimes~" Y/N grinned. They both laughed.

Y/N and Ace walked out the school, it was easier then Y/N thought. "Sooo what did ya do yesterday? Anything exciting?" Ace asked. "Um..N-Nothing important" Y/N rubbed her arm. Ace sighed and looked at Y/N he stopped in front of her. Y/N looked up at Ace, He pushed his beanie up, Y/N looked at his face. He looked tired. "New girl..tell me what's wrong, I wanna have some fun with you y'know but you can't be all depressed. Now tell me what's up" Ace got close to Y/N. Y/N sat down on the curb and sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you..but it's a long story" After one long explanation "So yeah..that's what happened" Y/N blushed. Ace was quiet for a bit then bursted out with laughter. "Aww man! I'm sorry new girl but damn was that cute, Roy hasn't changed a bit huh? He's still the cutie I know" Ace smiled to himself. "You guys know each other..?" Y/N looked confused. "Of course...Roy is my ex" Y/N looked at Ace. "Wait.. really!? You guys were a thing?" Ace nodded."Yeah" "Why did you break up?" Y/N asked. "Well..he was just so hot headed all the time, kind of's not his fault though, I know it's not..just how his life at home is, poor thing.." Ace sighed a bit. Y/N studied Ace's face then looked down at the street, she was thinking hard. " more question, do you perfer dating guys or-" "I haven't decided yet, I like girls, guys, anybody really" Ace interupted. "Alright good to know, I'm _________" (Just imagine you said whatever sexuality you are)

"Good to know" Ace smiled. "Why you interested?" Y/N said jokingly. "Maybe I am" Ace winked at Y/N, Y/N blushed slightly and giggled. "Hey Ace.." "Hm?" "I think I should go say a few words to Roy.." "You do that New girl" Ace put his hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for everything Ace, oh if you go to the candy store. Tell the candy guy I said "Hi" and get me some F/C" (Favorite Candy, I know it's not what it originally means but- E) "You got it Y/N" Ace smiled. Y/N nodded and waved bye. She started to walk back to the school. hopefully this goes good.....

(Fun fact:Ace was inspired by this guy at my school, he always wears a grey beanie and he looks and sounds tired all the time and he sells people Vapes and puff bars. My best friend and I started talking to him and we call him "Skater boy" since he looks like he skates. He's not as nice as Ace is but he's cool. Also Skater boy is straight sooo yeah, just a fun fact. Also hi I'm back how is everyone today ALSO ALSO if they're spelling mistakes then deal with IT YOU PP HEAD, just kidding I'll fix it later)

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