Chapter 5-Personal Bully

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Y/N already ate breakfast and did her morning routines, after running into that streetlight she got a bruise on her forehead but luckily Y/N covered it up pretty good. Her mother didn't seem to notice it, right now she had her hood on. Now she was just sitting in her father's car listening to music on her phone waiting for him to come out and take her to school. "Hm..hmm.." Y/N hummed a little. Y/N's father opened the car door and sat down and closed it. He started the car. "Alright! Whose ready to go to school!" Y/N looked out the window and just made a noise. Y/N's father drove out the driveway and started driving. "Are you gonna make some friends?" Y/N's father asked. Y/N put her hands in her hoodie pocket and sighed. "I'll try Dad" "I just don't want you to get kicked out again honey, I have a good feeling about this town and I don't think me and your mother have enough money to move again.." Y/N's father admitted. Y/N looked down at her shoes, she felt a little guilty for getting kicked out so much and causing so much trouble for her family. She didn't mean to.."I'll..make some friends dad, don't worry" Y/N mutterd. "Alright sweetie" Y/N's father said as he pulled up in front of a school it wasn't far from her house Y/N didn't understand why her dad didn't want her to walk to school, a bunch of kids were going in.
"Welp, this is it sweetie. You're gonna love it here!" Y/N's Dad chirped. Y/N grabbed her backpack and opened the car door, she closed it behind her and started walking. "I LOVE YOU Y/N!!" Yelled Y/N's Father. All the kids who were walking stared at Y/N, some of them whispering, some of them giggling. Y/N blushed in embrassment as she turned around slowly to face her dad. Her father just grinned as he rolled up the window and drove off. Y/N sighed with frustration. "What a great way to start a new school.." she turned around and walked towards the schools entrance. Y/N walked inside, the first thing she needed to do was go to the principals office..but where was that? Y/N looked around. While looking she bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going!" Yelled the random kid. " you know where the principals office is?" Y/N said impatiently. "Wouldn't you like to know?" The random kid snickerd as he walked away. "Whatever! Fuck you too!" Y/N tapped her foot impatiently. She grabbed a random kid from the piles of kids trying to get to their classes. "Hey you, tell me where the Principals office is" The kid looked at Y/N, he had a black beanie on with 3 rings on it. He had light brown hair and a grey hoodie on with dark blue jeans. "Ey what's up? You wanna know where the boss guy is at huh?" He sounded like he was in the fucking clouds. "Yeah, tell me where he is" Y/N demanded. "Alright, Alright. You're kinda bossy..I like it." The kid said giving Y/N a sleepy smile. Y/N let go of the random kid and folded her arms waiting for the guy to lead the way.

"Follow me new kid" He walked into the crowd of kids. Y/N followed him quickly not trying to get lost. She grabbed his sleeve trying not to get pushed or shoved by anyone. The kid made a left then a right down a hall. Finally he went straight and stopped at a door. There was a window next to the door, there was a lady typing away at her keyboard. "Alright new girl here's the big guys office" The random kid yawned. "I'm Ace by the way" he held out his hand. Y/N shook his hand. "Y/N" "Y/N..that name sounds familiar" Ace was thinking for a moment. He suddenly snapped his fingers and pushed his beanie up a bit showing his light grey sleepy eyes and his sleepish smile.

"You're that girl who got kicked out all of those schools right?" Y/N sighed. "Yup..that's me" "Dude you're like sooo famous around here, I mean infamous. But that's kinda like being famous right?" Ace put his hand on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N smelt smoke on his hoodie sleeve, she cringed at the smell a little. "Yeah, Yeah whatever" Y/N brushed his hand off her shoulder. "Just don't tell anyone you saw me please" Y/N reached for the Door handle to the office. "Alright, Alright your secret is safe with me, New girl." Ace winked at Y/N then walked off. Y/N shook her head. "What a weirdo" she opened the door and went in, she closed the door behind her.

"Oh hey sweetie!" Said the secretary, she was obnoxiously chewing gum loudly. "You must be the new girl hehe! The principal wants to see you so go right ahead!" The secretary typed. Y/N stood there for a minute, listening to her chew was like nails on a chalkboard. She went into the Principals office.

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