Chapter 15: Dear Ace, fuck you

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(⚠️TW: Knife..uh some blood maybe and stabbing ⚠️)

Y/N woke up, she turned to her alarm clock. "6:00" her alarm was about to go off in 30 minutes, why did she wake up so early? Y/N got up and stretched. She went to the bathroom to get herself ready


Y/N was already dressed (You can choose what you wear) she was eating her F/B (Favorite breakfast). Her mother was surprisingly not awake and her father wasn't here of course he was at work. Everything was being weird, first she woke up early and now her mother isn't watching the news or making herself breakfast like she usually does..Y/N finished her breakfast and got her backpack, then set it down. "It doesn't even matter I'm not gonna be here for long, this is my last day" Y/N walked out the door.

"Yo" "AHH!" Y/N jumped. "Oh fuck...Hi Ross..and Robert! What's up?"  "We wanted to walk to school with you!" Robert smiled. "Yeah" Ross nodded. "That's sweet of you guys, sure I'll walk to school with the way where's Roy?" Y/N shut her front door behind her. "He should be here soon" Ross said as he started to walk, Robert followed. Y/N followed them both. She saw Roy cross the street and come over to Y/N, Ross, and Robert. " crossed the street without looking both ways, that was so badass" Y/N grinned. Roy rolled his eyes. "Shut up" "Yes sir" Y/N said as she started to walk to school. "Are you that eager to get to school?" Roy caught up with her, Ross and Robert did as well. "I wanna get it over with.." Y/N sighed. "Besides I'm interested in Aces present" "Really?" Roy looked suprised. "Yeah I guess" Y/N shrugged.

. . .

Y/N leaned agasint a locker. "I'm gonna break so many rules" "Go crazy babe" "Did you just call me babe" Y/N giggled. "Yeah I just wanted to try it out, it's okay, I like sweetheart more" Roy said.  "Call me Frog Daddy, that would be cute" "There's no way in hell I'm calling you that" "Whatever" Y/N grabbed a baseball bat. "Where'd you get that?" Roy looked at the bat. "I stole it from some kid who plays baseball" Y/N hit the locker repeatedly. "This sucks!" Y/N groaned. She set the bat down. "I'm going to class" Y/N mutterd, as she walked down the hall.

"I hope no one saw her do that" Robert mutterd as he looked at the bat. "Probably not.." Ross shrugged. Roy stared at the bat.

. . .

Y/N sat in class, she stared out the window like she always did. "What's the point in being here.. I'm gonna get expelled anyways.." Y/N said to herself. "I'll be coming around to collect homework" Mrs. Anderson said as she walked around the classroom picking up kids homework. She eventually got to Y/N. "Hello Miss Y/N, where is your homework?" Mrs. Anderson asked. "I didn't do it" Y/N replied, as she looked out the window. "I haven't done any of your homework since you got here! I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to give you detention" Mrs. Anderson said.

Y/N looked at Mrs. Anderson. "May I use the restroom?" "..I suppose you can, just hurry up" "Thanks" Y/N got up and walked out.

"I think Y/N is handling this expelled thing pretty well" Ace said to Roy. "Fuck off Ace.."

. . .

"Maybe it's good that I'm leaving! I can start fresh, I can actually do what I'm supposed to do, I can learn how to handle things in a more.. civilized manor rather then beating the shit out of someone...!" Y/N sat on the ground, next to some girl who was also sitting on the ground. "Who are you again?" The girl asked. "Forget'll be Terrible moving, without Roy, Ross, or Robert what the hell am I gonna do? I mean to be fair I spent half of my life without them but that's before I met them! Now it feels like I can't live without The Hatzgang, doesn't that sound silly?" Y/N turned to the girl. "They're like my best friends"

"Umm...I guess??" The girl shrugged. "Ugh.. I'm gonna miss them" Y/N looked down at the floor. "You do know there's more schools around here, right?" The girl said. "What?" "There's a bunch of different schools, they might be far away like maybe 5 hours away, 6, 7, at the least, they might be in other towns but you'll still be in the same state as..uh Roy" The girl explained. "Oh my goodness, you're right random girl! I'll still be in the same state as Roy! You're a life saver! That makes me feel so much better!" Y/N hugged the girl.

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