1. The half-sister

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*Picture above- photo of younger Jane since she has been sick for very long other one below is of Liarah*
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Ryan's pov

"Why does he had to go there???" "Doesn't he know how Grams cried because of that woman!!!" "Still he had to go, leaving everything the minute she called. Why does he care for her so much?"

Nathan my twin who is just 5 minutes older than me, rants pacing infront of mom, who is calmly watching tv sitting on the couch next to me. I watch him as he paces around living room, throwing hands up in air, frustrated. He has been acting like this ever since dad received phone call from his half-sister and decided to go and meet her.

The reason for all this hate is because we've seen grams crying about how her husband cheated on her and brought home that woman 'Jane Woods' saying she's his child. Ever since we saw grams cry we have hated that woman even though we never saw her or knew her whereabouts.

"Relax Nate, you know dad has been searching for years now. And you don't know her story to judge her!" I say leaning back on couch. Mom doesn't seem to mind our rants as she's immersed in some god awful series. She is never the one to hate, she's this sweet woman who wouldn't think bad about any being on earth.

" Well come on Ry, you know how sad grams gets whenever dad spoke about that woman" says Nate resuming his rants. I tune him out and continue to work on my laptop, a project I've been working for 3 months now. It's finally coming to an end, just few more weeks until I can test prototype. Well I'll need Nate's help to build prototype. I'm sure he'll have no problem with it since he's my 'partner in crime'.

"Shut up Nate" mom yells "go to your room or else trust me god I'll feed you broccoli for rest of the week" hearing broccoli me and Nate go pale and just take off to our room. Damn she knows exactly how to shut us up.

I plop down on my bed and continue to work. Nate comes to my bed and lie down flat on stomach, lifting his head he asks me "what do you think Jane has to talk about with dad?"

Now that he asked, gears on my head starts turning. "only one person can answer that" I pause "let him come home then we can ask him"
"You think he'll tell us everything?" Let's his head fall on to the mattress and mutters "god knows what that woman is planning!! I swear if she tries to break our family-" I stop him and say "no one can break our family" he lifts his head and nod. We both lie there for few minutes and go back to bed.

'Tomorrow we will know what this woman has in store for us' and slip off to dreamless sleep.

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I woke up to slight snoring sound of my twin. Checking my nightstand to see clock show 7.45am, I roll off the bed and walk into bathroom to finish my morning routine. We both never been Earlybirds, we hate waking up before 7 o'clock. After finishing morning routine I head towards kitchen, only to pause at door.

Mom's talking on phone with an expression making my heart beat a bit faster. She has a sad expression and bit of anger too. I walk towards her, she notices me entering the room ends the call looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Well your father called" pause "He won't be coming home for next 3 days" says and continues to prepare breakfast.

Just as I was going ask her more, Nate comes from behind looking clueless wishing 'good mornings' and looks at my face and goes "what?" "Do I still have toothpaste on my hair?" starts rubbing forehead and hair. I look at him like he's gone crazy, he's definitely gone crazy. "Do I want to know why you would have toothpaste on your hair??" "Forget it I don't wanna know" and run my hand through my hair.
"Why so serious bro? Live a little" says moving to hug mom. She has been silent which makes me wonder what conversation she had with dad. I hoist myself on to the counter and stare at her until I have her attention. "What are you staring at?"
"You know why"
Nate butts in " am I in trouble?? Did I do something I wasn't supposed to?"
" Oh shut up" we both shout at him.
" Damn you found lingerie in my laundry. Didn't you?" He says looking guilty.
Mom goes wide eyes "Nathan Joseph Woods you better explain why would I find lingerie in your laundry?" and I mutter under my breath "you really need to learn when to shut your mouth nate"
He goes pale "so it wasn't about lingerie??" I mentally face-palm and sigh "No, it wasn't"
"Well my bad" "no more lingerie talk then" visibly relaxing. Mom's still fuming looks at Nate "I better not find any lingerie in your laundry young man, if I do, I'll be sure to make you wear them" I dread at the mental image of Nate wearing lingerie, shaking my head violently trying to get rid of that image, I turn towards mom and sigh.
"Mom just tell us what did dad say? Why isn't he coming?"
"Wait, what? Dad's not coming today? Why is that?" "Is it because of that woman again?"
Mom lets a defeated sigh " Jane died"
And her expression falls and sorrow fills her beautiful face.
"Oh... I mean that was unexpected" says Nate
"So he won't return until funeral?" I ask,
"Yes" "And he said, he has some things to take care so he'll come after 3 days"
"Okay" together we say grabbing our plates and move towards dining table. We eat breakfast in silence not daring to talk about 'Jane'.

Later we spend our time working on our project and joking around.

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