9. End is the Beginning

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*emotional chapter ahead*

Day before Jane's death

Liarah's pov

Mumma has been talking to her brother from last 4-5 hours, I suppose they have lot to talk since they haven't met each other for almost 22-23 years.

She did tell me about him but not much since she lived with him only for 3 years and then he moved. I also know he used to bully her and I don't like it. Sure he changed later but I still don't like it.

I hear my name's being called, so I enter inside the room. She pats spot next to her on bed, and takes my hand in hers. She speaks up "so I suppose you met your uncle?" I nod, she continues "you know I won't make it for long" my eyes hardens. I know about her condition and I've accepted it long back but it still hurts.

Looking at my posture she starts to rub my hand and says "since I won't be here, I want you to be with some real family"

I frown not liking where she's going with this, it's been us two and PJ as long as remember and I don't want any strangers in my life but clearly mumma has different plan.

Reading my emotion, probably only one who get to see any emotion on my face, she sighs "I'm doing this for you baby, I haven't seen you smile since forever. When will you leave past behind and enjoy your present child?"

I close my eyes taking a deep breath and open them silently pleading her not to go there. She lets out a defeated sigh "I just want my baby to be happy"
She kisses back of my hand and looks at her half-brother "I want you to take care of her for me Will, at least untill she finishes college" she says.

My eyes go wide and I shake my head, she has to understand I can't leave this house, it's where I have so many memories, memories of happy time, memories of us, memories of him, I can't leave.

But she has decided and there's no way out of this other than agreeing. I want her to be happy at least on her final days. She looks at me with pleading eyes, I hung my head low and nod.

I look back towards William, my face quickly going blank devoid of any emotion and just nod at him and walk out of her room.

Walking back to room brings so many memories, I want them back so bad, I want to live them again, I want to go back to the time when I used to be happy. But reality doesn't work that way.

Can't remember when things went wrong, everything was perfect. Now I can't remember the day I was happy. It feels like a lifetime has passed since the last time I was happy.

I stare at the wall of my room covering with photos from childhood, I see him, I want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to scream. Yet I just stare at him. He left me. I hate him for doing that to me but Can I really hate him though?

I go back to kitchen and prepare dinner for uncle since mumma can't eat and is hooked to IV and I don't really have an appetite.

I knock on his door, going back to the table and stare at the fruit bowl. He joins me at the table and I serve him dinner and sit opposite to him start poking fruits on the bowl not wanting to eat them yet forcing myself to eat.

I can't let myself go weak. I can't afford to be weak now or never. I've lost too much and I've fought for so long. Now is not the time to be weak.

I eat all those fruits on my bowl and I'm thankful William didn't try to talk while having dinner. I clean dinner table, kitchen counter and head back to Mumma.

I sit down next to her bed on the floor, I've been sleeping here for 3-4 months. I find it more peaceful than any other place in this house. I take her hand and rest my head next to it.

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