10. Nightmares

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The day Liarah arrived at twins house, just her pov of things she does at their house.

Liarah's pov

I reached William's house, Hillsford, at around 7pm. His wife embraced me as soon as she knew I was her niece. I stood still not knowing what to do. Then she showed me my room and let me settle down.

Room is spacious, there's a big bed in the centre, closet at the left corner of the room, right corner has study table and chair. Room has a big book shelf. I'm really thankful for that. Closet is big enough to fill all my clothings and other belongings. Bathroom door is next to the closet.

I go back to the kitchen, Alice is serving dinner I silently situate myself in one of the chair and eat my dinner. After finishing dinner, I clean the dishes even though Alice told me not to.

Going back to my room I start planning my schedule here. I need to find a part time job and also something to cool down my temper. Much like a fighting ring.

I take out my phone and send Dante a text asking information about fighting ring near my current location. He replies in two minutes with all the details of underground fighting ring.

I search for nearby garage needing employees, I find few. I'll check them out tomorrow. Rest of my night I spend researching Atlanta state University.

Checking time on my phone, as it shows 11.37pm, I close my laptop sighing and try to sleep like always but sleep is nowhere near. I recollect today's events, I visited PJ. Same guards were guarding the gates like always. They've been used to seeing me at odd times cause I've been visiting PJ for almost 3 years now.

I told him I'm gonna live with my uncle. I'm pretty sure he would be happy knowing I'm living with 'normal people' once in my life. He always wanted a big family. He was such a goofball, he would always talk about how he would build a family, a big family together, our family. He wanted minimum 5 kids, that too after using all my amazing bargaining skills we dropped from 8 to 5. Uggghh I hate you PJ for not holding up your promise. I hate you for making me believe in a happy future. I hate you for leaving me behind. I hate you so much. I hate you James, I hate you. A tear escapes my eyes knowing completely well no matter how many times I tell myself that I hate him, won't change the fact that I'm living because of him, for him and always will be for him because I'm not the one to break promises. I love him much more than anything in this world.

Exhaustion takes over and I fall into deep sleep.

* * * *

".....no please....*sob*.......hold on pl-please James....*sob*.... don't close your ey-eyes...*sob*... I'm begging yo-you...*sob*.... please Ja-james....*sob*.."

I can see blood everywhere, blood from his chest flowing out like a river. I have my shirt pressed on his wound. But nothing's working.

"Ja-james look at me...*sob*.... ever-everything is going to be fine ....*sob*....Please Ja-james ....*sob*... whatever happens do-don't close your eyes....*sob*....."

I see that hand, one which pulled the trigger, same one with a tattoo of sword , snake wrapped around it and a rose vine, on his wrist.... Now lying on the floor on his own blood...

"..*cough*.. Cel ...*cough*... I'm so.... *cough*..... sorry Cel....*cough*.... For-forgive me...."

"No no no James you don't get to say th-that....*sob* pl-please don't say that.....*sob*...... You promised me...*sob*.... Yo-you can't break that......*sob*..... James....*sob*..."

Distant sound of siren falls on my ears "....*sob*..... Do-doctors gonna be here.....*sob*..... Please...*sob*.... Stay....*sob*...."

"..... Ce-Cel.... I.. lo-love...yo...."

I wake up sweating and panting, I check time '2.55am'. I sigh and get out of the bed, knowing I can't sleep anymore. I freshen up, get dressed and move out. It's still dark out here. Time's 3.20am.

I jog on side walk hoping to get rid of the nightmare. It's always the same but now Mumma's not here to comfort.

I lift my gaze towards the sky, looking at the stars, I hope Mumma's with PJ now. He'll take care of her. A small smile tugs on my lips thinking about them together. They both always teamed up against me. It was two vs one at home. No matter what situation mumma would always agree with PJ over her own daughter. Traitor. Even now she chose him. Didn't you Mumma. You too left me alone. I hope you are happy with him now. Once I get there, I'll make sure to  chain you both to me then I'll check how you both will escape from me. Be ready for my wrath. Once I get hold of you, you both will be sorry for leaving alone here, understood?

I've been jogging for an hour now. I've reached address Dante gave me yesterday. It's not as big as the fighting ring back home but it'll have to do. I check around for half an hour and head back.

Time's still 6.15am when I reach William's house. I bathe and change into fresh cloth and still have time and nothing to do. So I decided to prepare breakfast.

It's 7.25am when I finished preparing and eating breakfast. I leave a note on microwave apologizing for not seeking permission. Then I leave for college.

I don't like meeting new people because it always ends up with me staring them and them trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I hate it. I hate interacting with people. I want to be left out alone.

People from my previous college knew me well, no one bothered me much cause they knew what I am capable of. And here I am in a completely unknown place with unknown people.. I just want to graduate as soon as possible and get the hell out of here.

I enter college office and present my transfer letter to the lady sitting on front desk. She hands me schedule and also list of extracurricular activities along with their credits that college is offering. Joining at least one of them was must and one can join only 2 teams or club at the same time.

My eyes scan through the list, I need to join 2 clubs since I want to graduate early and leave this town. If I want to graduate both of my majors this year then I would need to join..... Programmer's team aaannd robo war team. Perfect.

I'll have no trouble joining those team. One more year.... One more.... I'll finally be free. I'll finish what they started. All I have to do is survive this year.


*Image of the mentioned tattoo above*

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