7. Andrew's girl

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Nathan's pov

We've set up everything required for today's activity. I'm so excited, I hope we'll have some girls in the team. I'm truly tired of seeing dude's faces all day. We've got 7 members in the team and need one more so it's going to be tough game to select one. That's why we've got a solution, so today's activity is going to be just building a robot from given supply and it's gonna be tested at the end, which means we are having robo war, ohh how exited I am.... I let out a devilish laugh scaring Andrew, who is now on floor scared as hell. He's been distant today and I pretty sure know the reason. He isn't flirting with girls anymore so it's gonna be just me and Mason from now on, damn she got him bad.

It's almost time and students are filling empty benches. Our working lab isn't like Ry's lab, it's on open field with just one room, roof over our head and few benches on sides. Room has all necessary equipments and power supply. Then there's robo fighting arena, it's a raised stage enclosed in bullet proof glass. That's our sacred place. It's where the real show happens. I can go on about this for ages but it isn't a right time, I need to brief students about today's activity so they can start working on it as soon as possible.

I turn towards students to see them all boys, there are around 8-10 boys. I can't point a single girl in this group. Disappointed I start briefing "welcome one and all, we are gathered here for the greatest fight of your lives" I add some dramatic hand gestures "It's the survival of the fittest, only the fit, I mean the best can emerge as winner"

Students applaud at my intro, damn I'm good at this thing I should do it more often. I continue to explain their task "So here's the thing you're going to do today, you are going to build a robot of your choice you add any features any upgrades anything you want, but the basic requirement is you should be able to control your robot with a wireless controller, your robot should be functional and should weigh less than 10kg"
"And at the end of the competition you will be facing one another at robo fighting ring. The last one standing will be winner and gonna be joining our great teaaammmm" I drag out the last word for more dramatic effect, what can I say I love some drama as long as it doesn't end up with me being in trouble.

"Here's what you're going build from, you can take anything you want from this pile" show them spare parts, some electrical wires, motors, wheels and metal "each one of you will be getting necessary equipments, so that it can be fair fight" pause "If you can build a robot from scratch it's gonna be a plus point but at the end winner's gonna be last man standing, so all the best and let this show begggiiinnnn" I drop mic and walk off the stage like I own the f*cking world. People starts examining the spare parts and picking what they want.

I go back to Andrew and he looks frozen at his spot. He's staring someone, I track his line of vision to see it end at some boy sitting at the bench. I frown and shake him as to bring him back to earth. He reluctantly removes his focus from that boy and looks at me annoyed and asks me angrily pushing me "what's yo problem man? Can't you see I'm busy"

I am offended, I mean if he's bi I would be proud of him but he doesn't need to act like I did something bad. I would support him if he likes that boy, hell I would probably approach that boy myself and tell how my friend feels about him. "Hey I didn't do anything to offend you man I was just looking for you. If you like that boy and scared to approach I'll help you dude. You don't need to go all man up on me".

He looks at me like I'm gone crazy and says "what the heck is wrong with you man? I don't like no boy. I'm straight as an arrow dude. Why would you even think like that. I mean no disrespect to homos but I don't lean that way"

Confused at his statement I ask "then why were you staring at that boy over there?" Point towards that boy, who is now picking up parts. He looks at me wide eyed and say "that ain't no boy, it's a girl you idiot, the one I told you at lunch break"

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