15. Thumbs and tongue

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Matteo's pov

Searching for two completely unknown women feels like searching for a needle in haystack. No lead, not a f*cking clue about them both. There aren't many women with heterochromia but I haven't seen single one matching Roberto's description. As for Calypso still no news, no news of her fighting in any clubs all across the world.

I know I'll find her cause she'll be out soon, I smirk at the thought. It's that time of year she fights every single day of the week, second week of October. I don't know anything specific about that week but since I've seen her from last 3 years, every October second week she fights to kill. Not a single opponent of her during those days could walk out of the ring. She's merciless during that week. Only a month untill October then I'll find her and won't ever let go.

Mobile rings alerting me of a message, it's Dante updating about tonight's match across America. Scrolling through most of it disinterested, something catches my eyes. No it can't be.. can it? Checking that information again only to see Calypso's name. She's going to fight tonight somewhere in a small town named Hillsford.

Dialing my private investigator, I tell him about tonight's match and also to check any girl of age around 20-25, has moved into Hillsford neighborhood. Quickly asking Micheal to prepare jet and give him details of where tonight's match is held, so I can reach there at time and we leave.

* * * *

Jet lands at 11.30, I'm freaking late. Since I've never been to this part of the country it's proving bit difficult to navigate. Somehow we manage to reach the arena just before it's one o'clock. I rush towards the arena and quickly occupy VIP seats and get ready to witness yet again an amazing fight, my queen's gonna win.

Entire arena is filled with people cheering fighters, betting on their favourite fighter, a scene I'm very familiar with but I'm here just so I could see her, watch her fight. She kind of calms me which is really crazy. Because for last five months or so I was pretty f*cked up.

Announcer calls out tonight's fighter with crowd going crazy. I guess this fighter must be the crowd favorite. He's bulky man looks like he's in his late 20's. Looks tough but I know for sure he won't be a match for Calypso.

Hearing Calypso's name called out I break off from my trance and snap my head towards entrance. I see her, just like I saw her last time, ever breathtaking yet deathly, her whole aura scream power, ever so confident and calm. She's breaking her knuckles and squares her shoulder, then walks like she owns the ring. Everything about her makes me want to run towards her and keep her by my side to rule this world along with me. I know she has the strength and courage to rule and there's this sense of familiarity about her, that's something always draws me towards her, like she belongs with me.

Her attire is very simple skin tight black, turtle neck t-shirt and shorts which covers her body perfectly, sleeves come up till her elbow and shorts just above knee. it's very decent and practical also she doesn't show much skin. But from little exposed skin I can see tattoos adorning her body there's a rose vine tattoo peaking from her left ankle twisting and turning around her leg and disappearing inside her shorts. Makes me curious to what else is she hiding under.

Even though she's a fighter her physique is more feminine. She's not too curvy but has perfect curves, perfect amount of chest not too much or too little and small waist which flares out a wide hip making her pear shaped body. She has long legs and strong thighs. Just perfect.

Entering the ring she silently sizes her opponent by standing at the corner of the ring. She doesn't have any of those signature moves fighters make, she just walks in, fights and leave. I haven't ever seen her celebrating or resenting after any match. It isn't like she has never lost. She did lose some of the matches earlier when she just started out. But she learnt through her mistakes and has been winning all the fights since long.

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