3. Mystery girl

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Nathan's pov

Alarm has been going on for last half an hour but both of us have no energy to get up since it took lot of work organizing for today's selection process. We lazily get up finishing morning routine, get dressed up and move towards kitchen only to pause at kitchen door.

Mom's standing near kitchen counter with a stunned expression. She has her hair messy and her face looks like she just woke up. Confused I walk past her looking at steaming food in the microwavable utensils. I fill my plate and turn towards dining table only to stop and notice frowning twin.

I give him a confused look, mom looks like she's finally out of trance she has been in. She walks towards microwave and picks up something that looks like note and reads it with smile adorning her beautiful face.

I nudge Ry while walking past him, breaking his trance so he could hurry the f*ck up, we are already late and have lot of things to do at college today. He and mum fills their plate joining me on the dining table.

Breakfast today looks damn delicious it's just beacon and scrambled eggs but smells devine. Without futher ado I take a big bite only to close my eyes and devour this bite of heaven in my mouth. I haven't eaten such a deliciously simple dish until now.

I look up to catch Ry's eyes closed and mum looks shocked??? Right now, I ain't going to talk until I finish everything on my plate. After completely licking off my plate, I decide to break this delicious silence to figure out why she has this funny look on her face.
"So why were you staring kitchen counter like you saw some ghost??"
"I woke up late today" is she blushing? Infront of her kids?? What's wrong with her today??
"And what does it have to do with the fact that you looked out of place in kitchen?"
Ry snorts "you are so dumb Nate" well I'm offended now. I agree I'm not the brightest but he doesn't have to say that out loud.
I glare at him and he answers "she didn't prepare breakfast today"
"So dad cooked this? I didn't know he could cook like a damn chef"
"Your dad's fat ass is still on bed"
I'm confused now. If he's still sleeping and mom didn't cook then who did? Looking at my expression she laughs and holds up piece of paper "your cousin did"

Well now I'm even more confused "Macy's here? When did she come? Why didn't you inform us before??"
Ry looks like he's going to bang his head on table. I frown and Ry finally speaks up "it's Jane's kid you idiot"
Realisation hits me about the new girl living at our home.
"Ohhh..." Is all I say.
"What was on the note?" Ry demands mom smiles saying "she said she wakes up early and didn't know what to do so she prepared breakfast"
"She's saying sorry for not asking permission before hand" soft smile adorning her face she eats her breakfast.
I turn my attention towards Ry "you knew?"
"Of course. I'm not an idiot"
"Why didn't you say anything?" "What if she has poisoned our breakfast" I say
Ry rolls his eyes "you aren't dead yet genius"
Mum looks like she's gonna hit me with a plate.
"What. You can never be too cautious" I say smugly. Ry just laughs and shake his head. We set our plate on sink and take off towards college.

After reaching college we move towards cafe since we haven't met our best buddies yet and also we are skipping first hour. Andrew and Mason looks busy gossiping like chicks who are exited to spill dirty deeds about one of their own.

Shaking my head we walk towards them. Andrew and Mason's been our best buddies sin highschool but our majors are different making it difficult to spend much time with each other. Andrew's on football so we kinda meet everyday but Mason's on basketball team so we don't interact much. As soon as they notice us their grin grows, they walk up to us and fist bump giving bro hugs.

"How was your summer? I bet you missed picking up girls" he teases. We give him a flat look.
"Girls fall for us, we don't do shit"
They agree and starts talking about new shit going on campus.
"So there's been talk about this new girl" Andrew says
"They call her mystery girl" Mason interrupts.
"What about her?" Ry asks with bored expression.
"Well no one seen her talk, looks like a nerd, at first I thought it's some dude but it's suprisingly a girl and she's in senior year also majoring in 2 subjects" Andrew explains.

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