24. The day has arrived

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3rd POV

The day has finally arrived. It's Liarah's birthday. Twins has done everything they could. They had the game room decorated with her liking. The theme was bit dark, bit nerdy and bit sporty. They didn't know what she would like, therefore they tried to add little bit of everything she has shown interest on. Birthday cake was ready with black current flavor. There were so may video games, one could play in their life time. Only the thing missing was Liarah. They knew she didn't go out today. They had seen her shutting her room door and she has not come out of her room yet.

Wait for the time to hit 12 o'clock was painfully slow. Nathan nudged his brother asking him about the time for the 10th time. He was so exited, like the child on sugar rush.

Clock hit 12 and the boys knocked on the door. No answer. They called her name "Liarah, could you please open the door? We want to say something" No answer. Nathan had his ears pressed to the door and to his brother "Ry, I don't think she is inside. There isn't a single sound from this room. Should we go inside and check?"

Ryan replied him saki g his head "No we can't do that, what if she is changing or in a compromising position? It would embarrass her and make her hate us more" Nathan cut him saying "what if she is sick? I haven't seen her eat anything today. I'm worried she has you know passed out or something.

This made Ryan worry as Nathan's words were true. He had seen her walking differently as if she was injured and her lips, the only part of her body that was visible with some bruises.

Both agreed it would be better to check then leave now. Ryan still didn't think it would be wise to barge in so he hurried to his room with confused Nathan following closely behind. Ryan took out their project, "LadyBug" a small bug like machine with tiny camera. This machine could be controlled through their phone and travel within 100 mtr radius of the controller, could also send live feed to the connected device. This was a prototype of the project they had been working. It still needed lot of fine tuning but this situation needed the assistance of "LadyBug"

LadyBug crawled through the thin gap between the door and floor however twins were having trouble with camera not being able to catch much of the room. Ryan made the machine go towards high area to scan as much as the room as possible. Once the machine was at an better position, they started to scan the room for Liarah. There were not much light but they used few sensor to activate nightmode camera. Once it was visible they found a lump on the ground. It looked like a pile of cloth threwn on floor. Upon closure inspection they realised pile of cloth was none other than Liarah. Both bolted towards her room and tore down the door to get to her.

Nathan tried to wake her up by shaking but she want waking up. Ryan switched on the lights and to his horror she looked pale and covered with bruises and dried blood. She was wearing amry uniform and clutching some cloths as if those are keeping her alive. They knew the uniform it was of PJ. Ryan took her pulse and blood drained from his face. He looked at his brother and whispered "her pulse is very faint"

Nathan scooped her in his arm and dashed towards their car. Ryan got over his shock and dived to driver seat while Nathan sat on back seat rubbing Liarah's hand and hugging her close to him. He was praying, he was mumbling things that he himself didn't know.

Ryan parked the car infront of hospital and got the backseat door open quickly. Nathan ran holding Liarah as if his life depended on it. Doctors took one look at her and rushed her to emergency room. Nathan was still shaking with shock. Ryan guided him to the chair and both took a seat.

It took well over few minutes for both of them to come to senses. Both were terrified and had no idea what would happen. They sat there waiting silently.

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