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Unknown pov

All I can hear is heavy pants, footstep and faint sound of rain. My focus is on not tripping over wet patches of mud or small bushes surrounding the area. I'm holding my brother's arm dear to life. We are both running away from all the evil in our life, to start a fresh life somewhere far from this hell.

I can hear shouts and barking of dogs at distant. I squeeze my brother's hand and run faster. We are both tired yet not giving up. Suddenly guns go off and a scream filled with pain, terror cuts through the thick canopy of the forest. My steps comes to halt, I feel like my body just froze. I can see sheer panic and utter pain in my brother's eyes because we both know that voice.

I look at him with tears spilling from eyes not wanting to believe what I heard. I beg him silently to tell me I'm wrong. He hugs me tightly runs his hand along my back soothing me.

"Pumpkin we need to leave. We can't stop now" he tugs my arm urging me to run. My vission is blurred, I can't think straight, my mind too occupied with events happening around me.

No matter how much we run, shouts and barks are gaining on us. My brother looks frantic not knowing what to do. We run as hard as we can but it's not enough. At this speed they'll reach us in matter of few minutes.

"We can't outrun them, pumpkin. I want you to run in that direction" he says pointing his fingers to south "you need to run south and don't stop running untill you reach main road"

I look at him heartbroken "brother you are coming with me......*sob*...... I won't go anywhere.....*sob*..... without you....*sob*.... Please.....*sob*....."

"I need to distract them pumpkin, don't worry about me. Don't you remember I'm the strongest big brother you have" he holds me by my shoulder and continue "I need you to stay strong my little sister" "you are going to make it" he hugs me and then kisses my forehead.

"Don't forget my pumpkin, you are strong and you are going to make it"

I breakdown sobbing uncontrollably "no Abie I'm not leaving you here, please come with me, we can make it out together" He looks at me sympathetically and shakes his head "you are stronger than you think pumpkin" he looks deeply into my eyes and says "you are one thing that matters to me the most. So promise me pumpkin, promise me you'll make it out of here, promise you'll make a living for yourself away from all of this madness"

I sob into his shirt holding him dear to life "Abie please come with me, you are all I left, we both already lost Anton" I hug him harder "please Abie don't leave me" I cry soaking his shirt wet. He pats my back and gets me on my legs "Don't worry about me pumpkin, if you make it out of here that's all I need to be happy" he turns me and says "Now we don't have much time to waste" looks around the forest "you must run south and don't you dare look back" "Do you understand?"

I look at him one last time with tears flowing through my cheeks, I plead him one last time "please brother, come with me"

He shakes his head and gives me a small smile that always warms my heart and says "Remember pumpkin, I have loved you and will love you forever" hugs me one last time "Good bye pumpkin" kisses my head and pushes me towards south.

I squeeze my eyes shut "I'll leave only if you promise me one thing"

"Anything for my baby sister" he says.

"Promise me you'll survive and find me" I take his hand and beg.

"I will" he squeeze my hand assuring me and nods towards south.

I blink my eyes to get rid of tears and run south without stopping anywhere not caring thorns or bushes scratching my legs or my body. After running for may be half an hour or an hour or two I don't know, I reach main road.

As soon as I reach main road, sound of shots being fired rings my ears. Whimpers and grunts of pain breaks my heart into pieces. I turn to run towards those whimpers, to hold him in my arms, soothe him and tell him he'll be okay but a hand wraps around my waist keeping me in that place.

I thrash around and struggle to free myself but no use. I cry and beg to let me go back, to my brother, who needs me now. I'm the only one he has right now. And he's the only one I have.

Tears stain my cheeks, blurs my vission and I frantically struggling to reach him. A hand holding a cloth reaches my mouth and I try not to breath but eventually give up taking a deep breath. World seems to fade. All the pain seems to cease. The last thing I remember is being taken into a car and then darkness consumes...

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