12. She Speaks

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Nathan's pov

It's been almost a month after I met Raven. Whole college knows about Raven now. Everyone has been talking about either how she hacked prof. Kingsley's phone and ordered him or how her bot- turtle 2.0 destroyed every other bot in the arena.

People have been trying pursue her and to get her into their friend circle with no success. I laugh at their poor attempt to get her talk, all she does is either stare at them or ignore them all together. I've also seen her just leave the place when someone is about to approach her. She's really something, isn't she?

After selection we have met her once at team meeting, she has given us list of things she thinks we need to upgrade and that's all she did at the meeting. Now even I think she's mute.

Andrew's been talking non stop about her. We get a full day report of what she does, where she goes, what books she reads and so on. And it's always involves reading books and working on laptop. Nothing else.

Samantha has been restless. She thinks Raven stole her popularity since she's been talk of the college. Samantha has been bullying Raven every chance she gets but Raven being Raven, never reacted. I've seen her dumping milkshake on Raven's head but all she does is protect her books and stay still. Sometimes I feel like I should help her but I don't think she'll appreciate that.

As for Jane's kid, we haven't seen her or spoke about her. But every morning we get to eat delicious breakfast. Our pantry is always full, mom said that our 'cousin' has started working part time and stocks groceries every week since she doesn't want to be burden or something, like we care. Mason usually be hanging with her so that's about it. I prefer her as far away from us as possible.

I sigh and enter cafeteria early for lunch since we have football practice. All football players and cheerleaders are requested to be present on field at lunch time.

I've called Ry since we always eat together no matter what. He said he's having free hour so he'll join us soon. Cafeteria is deserted at this hour. There are few students eating lunch here and there.

I can see all my teammates joking around cafe. I walk towards our usual table only to crash into Andrew. Irritated I ask him "What's wrong man"

He stood still at his place frowning looking at a corner table. I followed his line of vision which lands on Raven?? Andrew's muttering something I can't understand. I turn to him looking confused, he sighs and says "She always miss this class. I never knew what she does around this time. But I know now"

We walk to our usual table and settle down. Our table is few meters away from her. Now I turn back to her and study her. She hasn't noticed anyone. For someone who is alert all the time she's not doing a good job right now. She's holding something on her hand, which looks like a photograph or a card. I can't be sure though.

I look upto her face, I freeze. Her face which usually carries blank expression now carries so many emotions, I can't tell if it is pain or longing or adoration or love or hate. I really want to see what's in her hand which can bring so many emotions to a person like her.

Ry joins our table and I move my gaze from her to Ry. Something behind him caught my attention. It's Samantha along with her clique walking towards Raven. I can pretty sure tell she has some evil plan on her head, from that evil smile on her face.

Samantha walks fast and snatches photograph from Raven's hand in a second. Unknown emotion paints her face for a second, it looked much like fear. Why would she fear for some photograph? But that emotion quickly turned to blank stare. She stands up from her seat and face Samantha, who is busy looking at that photograph and starts laughing hysterically.

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