21. PJ

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Ryan's pov

As soon as Liarah and Rhea disappeared from our line of vision, dad decides to speak up "what's going on? You boys wanna explain??" Asks us with a raised eyebrow. A sigh leaves my mouth and I shake my head. How stupid of me for not knowing who is living with us at our home. How am I supposed to explain this to dad?

Nate answers "We really don't know what to tell you right now dad, so can we please discuss this at home?" This is the first time he spoke something appropriate at the right time which shocked dad as well, as he nods his head. "Well then I'll talk to you boys at home, I gotta attend an important meeting" We are relieved for a moment but he continues " better be ready with explanation cause you're not only answering me but your mom as well" I groan mentally knowing mom's gonna grill us since her niece has been her favourite person at home for more then a month now.

Dad leaves for meeting and now Nate turns towards me narrowing his eyes "I thought you were the smartest person I've met but I'm really doubting my own thoughts right now. How could you not know who has been living with us for almost 2 months?"

I roll my eyes at him "Yeah like you don't live with me? How can you expect me to know when you, yourself had no idea about it?"

"Aren't you the genius one between us? You should be knowing all these. You should've hacked into college database to get Nix's detail"

Who the f*ck is Nix? What is he talking about? At my confused stare he replies "Liarah is Nix" my frown deepens "She has a tattoo of phoenix so I call her Nix" why do I even bother asking him? I mentally face palm.

"I was busy upgrading team's system, you know that"

"Yeah? then do it now. I'm not letting you attend any class before you dig everything about Nix"

This is giving me headache "fine, I'll do it. Not because you are asking, I'm doing it only because I'm really intrigued by Liarah"

He whispers "She's our cousin Ry" like he's telling that to himself.

We settle in Nate's workshop and I get to work. Hacking into college's database is bit difficult as it's usually maintained by the faculty of our college but it isn't impossible. So I concentrate only on getting Liarah's details.

After sometime I finally get the details I'm searching for. There's a file on Liarah. I nudge Nate to come closer so he could read with me.

Liarah Nightshade
Age: 20
Birth date: 09/10/2000
Mother: Jane Woods (deceased)
Guardian: William Woods

Current education
Senior year
Major subject 1: Electrical engineering
Major subject 2: Statistics

Extracurricular activities
1: The Elite - College Programming team
2: Monoclone - College Robotics team

Previous educational details
Bluewood high school - 2005 to 2016
BlueWood state University - 2016 to 2021

Valedictorian of Bluewood highschool year 2016
National junior boxing champion for the year- 2015, 2016 and 2017

"F*ck if you had done this earlier, we would've known that she's our cousin Ry" Nate curses "Look at this file, it clearly states William Woods being her guardian"

I wish I had taken some time and done this earlier but I didn't "Shut up Nate, there was no way I would've suspected something like this and what's done is done. Can't change the past now"

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