16. Rhea Amari

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*picture of Rhea Amari*

Ryan's pov

A week has passed since cafeteria incident. Pretty sure Nate's football team needs more players since half of his team is at hospital, won't be up and running for at least 2 months. Just when I think there can't be anymore surprises, Liarah proves otherwise. I'm still mesmerized by the way she fought them all. Damn that girl gets better day by day.

This last one week has been different though. Someone inside cafe had recorded whole thing and shared it online so everyone know what happened in the cafeteria that day and stir clear of Liarah's path. No one tries to talk to her or annoy her. People keep their distance from her. She didn't get punished for beating all those students since it was others who attacked her first and she was defending. She hasn't spoken since the incident. I still feel chills running through my spine when I think about her cold voice. It still amazes me how deathly she is in all that nerdy outlook. A wolf in sheep's clothes. But I don't think she wants fool someone, I feel it's more like something turned her into what she is now.

I want nothing more than uncover all her secret, all her tricks and all those emotions she hides under her blank stare. Knowing my twin he would agree with me. He has already ordered me to dig her secrets of past and is eating my brain out every single day but I couldn't do that just yet.

Trust me I want to hack our college database and gather her information, I just can't right now. Professor Devil has ordered me to upgrade all our system security. Specially instructed me to build and install new firewall and fix all the bugs and make it unbreakable. Courtsey of Miss Nightshade. I've been working on it for days and nights since weeks and Devil wants it completed in 2 more days. This is the reason why I couldn't find time to uncover secrets Liarah Nightshade is hiding.

A deep sigh escapes, rubbing my eyes I fix my glass continue working inside our info tech lab. Today we have team meeting since we need to prepare for upcoming competitions. I need to upgrade computers in this lab since I've already upgraded other systems present in our team lab, which is in other building and has access only to our team members. It's like our private den and the only thing I'm grateful for is professor Devil has let us decorate as we please. He let us have it like our own private room. So we have different games and stuffs which helps us relax. Also has lockers and bathrooms for our use. It has 2 keys, one with professor and other with me.

Our team 'The Elite' has total 6 members, Thomas Harrington, Sophie Rivers, Jamie Evan, me and 2 new members Liarah Nightshade and Johnathan Mathieu. Now Thomas is by my side working on upgrading, Sophie and Jamie are working on preparation of competition. Liarah is reading a book at one corner and Johnathan is jumping here and there giving inputs on God knows what.

Professor enters the room effectively shutting all noises. He looks up towards the corner and then back to us. It's like a ritual to him, every time he enters our meeting, he has to check for Liarah first and then rest of us. I hate it. It's not like she cares, she doesn't talk she doesn't listen, she doesn't help us plan, she just sits at a corner and stare at us whenever someone asks for her thoughts. It's surprising to see someone shut professor Devil but much to my annoyance he doesn't react negative to it either. It's like he treats her different than any other students. He doesn't snap at her, yell at her nor assigns her any work.

Professor starts speaking "good evening everyone, I hope each of you has contributed towards the upgrades that's been going on" he looks at me and says "Mr Woods I want a quick report on how much is done and then I'm gonna need Miss Nightshade test them out to see if it is good or requires changes"

We all turnover to see Liarah who still hasn't looked up from her book. Only her, only she can get out unharmed after disrespecting professor Kingsley. She's a miracle.

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