17. Bestfriend

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* Rhea Amari^*

Nathan's pov

Football team is a mess right now. Half of our team is in hospital and same with the cheer squad. Coach is pissed and taking his frustration on other half which meant on me and my friends. The injured half of the team is kinda rival to us since Jack wanted to be quarterback but coach made me the quarterback and him runningback. Since then he isn't as friendly as before but has not created any problem for the team. He still keeps trying to steal my spot and isn't successful. From now on I don't know if he can make it into the team. Only good thing out of it is our team is actually free of scumbags for time being and also since it's beginning of the academic year we can have more freshman from tryouts.

Ry's been busy with his team stuff. His professor has been eating his brain out since Liarah hacked their phone. Which meant he can't hack into college database and gather information about Liarah. I want to know about her more and more as the days goes by. At the same time I don't want to cause stress more than he already has.

Our Monoclone team meetings been rather boring. We are still deciding if we want to build a seperate robot or just upgrade the one we have. It's a good one but I'm not 100% sure that it'll hold up in competition. Team meetings now isn't as fun as before since we have a girl on our team and can't talk about lots of things like girls, sex and games. Andrew's been strangely silent, he haven't approached Liarah but keeps staring her all through meetings. Liarah either hasn't noticed or doesn't care about his creepy staring.

Her contribution to the team isn't great during meetings. She just sits in a corner with her book. But she respects Mr. Holder.  She acknowledge him with a nod and listens to him whenever he's talking. She doesn't do that to anyone else. Not even her own lecturers. Knowing Mr. Holder, he respects her as well. He's like a father figure to us all and it isn't too surprising to see her warming up to him.

Even though she hasn't spoken to him or anyone else, she does share her ideas with Mr. Holder. How do I know this? It's because I handle his official college email ID. She sends him ideas or any doubts if she has. Mr. Holder shares her idea and clear doubts during our meeting but our team members don't know this. It's because she doesn't like attention.

Her ideas are always good ones. She is someone who likes basics. Meaning, she doesn't like fancy stuffs you see on robots, 'all bling no good'. Her focus is mainly on building small yet strong bot. Overall her bots are like herself, people underestimate her because she looks like a nerd with antisocial personality but in reality she's more of an atom bomb waiting for a trigger to destroy everything on its path.

Since I finished my classes early, I'm first to reach college cafe waiting for my twin and friends to join for lunch. I was so in thoughts I didn't hear Mason and Andrew join me at the table until Mason shook me "what's up with you Nate?" I look upto him and shake my head "nothing"

He doesn't look convinced "what's it with you two sporting some weird thoughtful looks on your faces these days? I thought it was only reserved for Ry" he exclaims.

Ry joins us same time with a distant look on his face. I need to talk to him, I haven't exactly gotten time to talk about 'Lee', yeah that's right, I'm gonna call Liarah as Lee now. Liarah and Raven's too long in my opinion and Lee kinda suits her.

Mason interrupts my train of thoughts with one of his gossips "Can you believe Rhea Amari joined our college!!! A super model will be gracing our college by her presence!!! I still can't wrap my head around this news. Hey Ry do you think I have any chance with her?? You know you kinda have classmates from high-class society" he rants. Sometimes I feel he should've been with the cheer squad which seems much interested in gossips.

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