2. The Cousin, we never knew

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Nathan's pov

I got up to a loud alarm, shutting the alarm I look towards Ry's bed which is empty. He must be in bathroom so I slowly get up from bed, walk into closet and take out the outfit I'm gonna wear today. Ry comes from bathroom and starts drying his hair.

I finish my morning routine and get ready. And as we were about to leave room, we hear screams and is that mum SWEARING??? It's first day of college but then why is mum angry?. Don't tell me some random girl came home saying some stupid stuff like I'm going to be father or other crazy shit. Scared at the thought I literally run downstairs towards kitchen with Ry hot on his feet behind me.

As I enter mum's screaming at dad???? When did he come home? ".....you did say you are bringing home a girl" " what am I supposed say when you're gonna bring home a girl almost same age as your kids?" Anger boils inside me. As I take a step forward to tackle my father, 'how dare he bring home a girl' but Ry holds me at my place.

Dad sighs "I didn't have a choice Al" that's all he says. 'I didn't have choice my foot' I can't hold my anger anymore and push Ry and go straight to father pushing him against the wall holding his collar in one hand other hand into a tight fist. I look him in the eyes with so much fury he gulps at my words "you better not follow your father's footsteps dad" "things gonna get ugly if you do" I warn him. Ry pull me off my father and mum looks at me shocked and composes herself quickly.

"He didn't do such things nate" she pulls me into a hug softly
"Then what girl is he talking about?" "And why is she coming here?"

Dad sighs "I assume you know about Jane's demise" we nod "she has a daughter" he says.
"So???" I ask and he looks at mum and say "she's going to live with us until she finishes college" without leaving room to argue.

Ry and me both look dumbfounded not able to process what he just said "how old is she?" Ry interrupts from my thoughts
"She's 20"
"If she's 20 then why can't she live by herself" "she's an adult and can look after herself" "why come here??" Ry questions dad.

"She's going to live here and that's final. I don't want to hear a word about this anymore" "it's my house and I'm gonna do whatever the f*ck I think is right as long as your mother approves" and leaves kitchen. We both turn towards mum, only she can convince father. She looks at us " I'll talk to him" she says following dad.

We wait for her to come back. I can't stay still, my thoughts going haywire 'grams gonna be pissed if she hears dad's decision'. I start pacing around the living room.

Ry looks pissed as well but he's better at controlling emotions than me. I on the other hand just explode. I've never been able to hold my anger at bay. Few more minutes of pacing, mum comes out "mom" we both call for her. She looks defeated and sad, looks up at us and says,
"Girl's staying here and I don't want you both causing any trouble about this" "and also you are to say nothing to her about this or else you both will be sleeping outside for a week" she pauses looking directly into my eyes " if you both as much as think of bullying her" "trust me god, I'll cut off the heater for rest of your lives"

I shiver at the thought of cold bath but it doesn't numb how I'm feeling right now. I don't say a word just pick up the bag and head towards front door, dad call us exactly the same time "she's going to be in your college, so make sure no one bullies her" I give him a flat look and march out of the house slamming the door after Ry got out.

Running upto our car amd we take off towards college. My mind's still processing everything that happened today. I'm so so pissed. I look towards passenger seat to see Ry looking tensed.

I frown " you thinking about that girl Ry?"
His frown deepens "no" he says looking distracted. I sigh and ask "what's the matter Ry? You look troubled"
He leans backward and run his hand through his hair "This year's gonna be really hard. I've gotta recruit for programming team, you know for All University annual fest" pause " This year I'm leading the team" he says looking down at his hands.

I frown at that statement "I don't see any problem here, unless you've banged some clingy girl from your team" I smirk at him earning a glare from him. I continue "Relax bro, I'm leading our robo war team as well. We'll smash it at the fest don't worry" I mean I'm not over confident but we've won from past 3 years and that counts for something right?

"It's not that simple this year Nate. You've got a cool staff in-charge who lets you do your own stuffs, unlike us we have got Mr. McDevil himself looking after each and every move I or the team makes" let's out a frustrated huff "He demands report everyday, and I need to report each and everything to him" "He's like a babysitter for us"

I raise an eyebrow at him "You mean professor Kingsley? The one girls call professor McDreamy?? Isn't he supposed to attract hot girls in to your team??" "I'm cool with our staff in-charge Mr. Holder, he's a cool man but his beer belly doesn't attract a single girl in to our team" "I'm tired of looking at dude's faces all day man"

He looks at me like I've gone crazy "what?"
"You really are thinking about girls?? Ohhh forget it, you are always thinking about girls. Aren't you?"
"You know me far too well brother"

I park my car at college parking area and hop off, locking car. I glance back at my bro giving him 2 finger salute and run towards mechanical block.

Rest of the day passes in blur. Tomorrow is going to be very important day, I've gotta select team for robo war. I know I've spoken very confidently about it but being the captain of the team isn't easy and there is no place for mistakes. Our college has won robo war since last 3 years and there's no way I'm gonna let it end this year. We need to win this competition so our college can get overall championship. I need to get ready for football season as well. This is going to be one long ass year.

I finish organizing everything for tomorrow's selection process, our team needs people with electrical background and one who can build things from scraps. Anyone can assemble parts but only talented can build from scratch, and I'm looking for that one.

It's late and I've not met Ry yet, usually he comes as soon as his classes finish but he's not here today. I decide to look for him. I walk towards info tech block, on the way I can see girls giving me side glances and I walk smirking knowingly. I see some new faces giving me longing looks. 'This year might be long but it better be enjoyable'.

I walk towards Ry's working lab to see him set computers, confused I walk towards him asking "hey bro.. watcha working on?" "And why alone?" "I heard there are lots of hot chicks in info tech" wiggling my eyebrows at him.

He laughs "Yup lots of them, I bet you'll be happy to spend your time here since mech block is filled with horny pervs"

I act like I'm hurt at the insult "you wound me brother" and we both start laughing. Sobering up I help him finish setting up and leave. It's 8 o'clock.

Ry seems to notice time as well, he looks at me and say "let's eat out today" I nod and we get into car, driving off to a diner. We joke around eating and completely forget about problems back home.

After paying up we finally go home and it's almost 10. We go straight to our bedroom and notice light from slight gaps of guest bedroom, this means she's already home. I'm exhausted to even react this time so I just get into bedroom take shower and sleep, Ry following my lead does the same.

Tomorrow gonna be a long day...

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