4. Professor McDreamy

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Ian Kingsley pov

Summer break has been too tiring since I had to go back home, it's a torture to be there. I'm grateful that I don't have to be there 24*7 handling family business. I hate that business, it's also a reason why I've been a professor for past 7 years.

Being a professor has its perks and downs as well. Well one of perk being professor is shaping young minds and getting them ready to face the world and also respect I earn from the profession. Call me old fashioned but it is what it is and I like it that way. Down side of being a young professor is girl students and lady colleagues, some just don't get the message, always coming upto me with silly doubts and trying to seduce me like a hooker from street.

Don't get me wrong I respect each and every women & men and I'm not judging hooker or something it's just I didn't get better word to describe. Actually I respect hookers more than some of the women from my college, at least they are true to themselves and people around them, unlike some women who tried to get me and then file harassment complaint against me. Case got suspended since I had installed camera in my office room and produced proper witness.

Now no one is allowed to enter my office, doubts are clarified in classroom itself, further assistance if required is through emails only. I don't entertain misbehavior or any useless activities at my class. I need each and every student prepared for class and I don't like excuses no matter how serious it may be. Students call me Mr. Devil , professor terminator and also professor McDreamy. I don't like to be called McDreamy but I just ignore it like I ignore everything else.

I reached college, parked my car and I walk towards my office. On the way I can feel every gaze on me. You can say I'm very observant, I can feel each and everyone's gaze sizing up me, some lustful, some admiring, some jealous, and some annoyed. I just ignore everything and move towards my office.

On the way I cross path with Mr. Reed, he's from electrical engineering department and a nice guy in his 40's. He's someone I enjoy spending my time with whenever I'm at college.
"Professor Kingsley" he greets,
"Professor Reed" I smile.
"How has your summer been? I bet you didn't miss being at college, since you have gone home to Italy" he grins like exited school girl.
I shake my head at his excitement and say "you know me Reed, I would rather be here than Italy" He nods understanding dawning upon him since he knows that I'm not in good terms with my family.

Just as I was about to ask him about his summer, we are interrupted by student counselor, Mrs Smith, middle aged women with warm smile "Hey Mr. Reed, I'm glad I could catch up to you before class" she looks at me and greets "Mr Kingsley" I nod acknowledging her greet.
"Nice to meet you too Mrs Smith. How can I help you?" Asks Reed. I stand there watching their conversation carry on.

"Oh I wanted to talk to you about a new student. She's gonna be taking your class and as well as stats classes too"
"What about her Mrs Smith?"
"She isn't like other normal kids" she pauses and looks around and whisper "she's very bright and college dean has asked me specifically to inform staff members to not to anger her and also not to force her to talk"
"Why would dean ask such things? Is she of rebellious type? You know always causing trouble???"
"Oh well she's kind of special. Her previous college didn't want her get transferred, she has some great academical achievements"
"And to answer your next question, no she isn't rebellious type. She's someone who hates spotlight and doesn't want to get noticed" she shakes her head and continues
" I spoke with her previous counselor and he said 'she won't cause any problems until you force her to'" she quotes.

And then her gaze lands on someone behind us, she points behind us saying "that's her" "Liarah Nightshade" we turn to look at the girl only to get confused. Why is she pointing at a boy?. Sensing our confusion she says "ohh it's a girl alright, she just looks like boy"

I turn my gaze back to her studying, she has short jet black hair covering right side of her face, she's wearing baggy men's cloth. The only way you can actually tell she's a girl is her jeans. Her jeans fits her perfect but her hoodie and jacket covers her till thighs. She's probably wearing at least 3 size bigger hoodie and jacket.

She carries a blank expression, her walk is very confident like she owns the place, so much for someone doesn't like attention. But her focus isn't shifting, she looks like she's searching for classroom. She's almost near us and yet she hasn't noticed me?? It's rare phenomenon for someone to not notice me.

I'm not egoistic or attention seeker but every damn person notices me and here she is, not even glancing at my direction. That hasn't happened ever specially when it's a girl.

I'm so lost at thoughts, suddenly some boy crashes into her. It's like time slowed down I can see each detail clearly. Split second just as they slammed into each other her hair flies away from her face..... 'Wow she's beautiful'. Her eyes go wide for a second and back to no emotion expression in record time.

Then my attention shifts to the boy.... Wait isn't that football player, one always seen with the famous twins of the college?? Yeah it's him. But he stumbles back and she hasn't moved a bit from her spot. She stood there like a rock.

She stares at him and walks past him. That boy looks dumbfounded. I mean I would be too if I was in that situation. She didn't move an inch when crashed into boy twice bigger than her and he stumbled back by impact. Amusement is evident in my face. I pull myself together quickly and scan around to see everyone with same amused look on their face. I glance towards the boy who's still shocked and starstruck.

I frown at his expression and watch Mrs. Smith call for her
"Miss Nightshade"
This girl stops but doesn't turn back.
Mrs. Smith hesitate and asks her "Aren't you Liarah Nightshade?"
She turns to look at Mrs Smith and studies her for a bit and gives a short nod.

"Um. Hi I'm Mrs. Smith, I'll be your student counselor and this is Mr Reed. You are in one of his class"
She turns her attention towards Mr Reed and nods returning her gaze back to Mrs. Smith, who is fidgeting nervously from her attention. She still has a blank expression giving out nothing to decipher her. It never happened before, I could read people just by observing their faces but I can't do that now. I can't read her and it's annoying me at the same time it's intriguing me. I want to know more about her and I won't be able to sleep well until I find out everything about her.

Mrs Smith clears her throat and show her direction of classroom, library and other common rooms.
She still hasn't looked at my direction totally ignoring my presence and I don't know why it's irritating me. It's like I desperately want her to look at me, like I want to catch her eyes study me. I feel so left out, one thing I didn't feel in past 10 years and it's annoying as hell.

I met her like 5 minutes ago and she's already taken up on my mind. I haven't felt something like this in years. Why am I feeling like hormonal teenager now!!! I need to get my shit together, she's a student for f*cks sake. 'But she isn't my student right?' 'Ohh god what am I thinking'. I need to leave now.

I say my good byes and leave towards my office with my emotions going haywire. I've always been good at controlling and hiding my emotions and right now I'm doing a miserable job at that. I can't take annoyance out of my expression. I can catch scared glances of students as I walk past them.

This is going to be one long year. I run my hand through my hair frustrated at my thoughts as soon as I entered my office. I just hope I'll get my emotions in control soon. I've got to help one of the twin Ryan, in selecting this year's programmer's team. Until then I need to figure out how to calm my nerves.

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