No longer updating (2021)

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Listen, we all knew this was bound to come one day. I've just been procrastinating it for so long, and I just felt really bad to leave things like this.

I have no idea how my story got 3 million views, but I just wanted to let you all know that this had been a really special adventure to me as I wrote this story. It was so nice to be able to talk with so many different people and I'm so happy with all the support I've gotten. Unfortunately though (as many of you may have already suspected), there are some things that just have to be let go.

Reasons? I guess I've just grown up. I started this story when I was 13/14, and I'm almost 23 now. It's been 9 years since I've started this story, which is a really long time haha. I wanted to announce that I wouldn't be continuing this book a few years back, but I never got the chance to. I guess I just didn't want to let it go because this story has always been very special to me.

I had issues with the comments in the past, and I'll be honest, they did dissuade me from writing a little. I was childish back then too, and thought I was always right when I fought people back. They don't affect me anymore. In fact, they've made me grow up and develop into a person who is able to accept criticism. There were a lot of flaws in this story, and I knew there were a lot of weird stuff in there too lol (who knows what goes on in the teenage mind). But still, Grace has always held a special place in my heart because I based her off of myself. Of course, I got a little defensive over her character when people criticized her.

If any of you are curious as to what happened with my life after senior year of high school (that's what I wrote in my last author's note), I'll tell you all a little bit. So I graduated high school and I got accepted into a university for my bachelor's of science in nursing. I'm in my last year now and I have a job lined up for me after graduation in May. I'm going to be a cardiac nurse and I'm very excited! Life has been really busy, especially since I have so much school work to do. I'm just trying to work hard in school so that I can one day become the best nurse I can be. It is, after all, the career pathway that I want to go into, and it's something that I've fallen in love with doing. It's one of my passions in life, and I can't see myself doing anything else anymore.

But that doesn't mean I've given up on writing. Sure, I've given up on this book, but I still love to write. Romance is still my favorite genre haha. I write fanfic now, just basic one shots because multi chapter stories are too long and too much effort to get invested in, I've realized now.

So anyways, this has been a great journey and I wanted to thank everyone who's read my story and shown me support and love.

But did you think I was going to leave you hanging?? Haha, no.

In the next chapter, the "final chapter" if that's what you want to call it, I'm going to post a disorganized summary of how I planned TNAK to go. That way, you guys will know what happens, and then I don't feel bad when people are like "how could you leave us hanging?" (Don't worry I already have it written out, so you don't have to throw shade about how I'm gonna take three years to post it lol)

Thank you though, from the bottom of my heart, and I appreciate you all for being so kind and understanding. Whether you love my story or hate it, I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

The Next Alpha King (No longer updating 2021)Where stories live. Discover now