Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

I know I should've just texted Ryder but I had found him already when I was about to.

It was weird though because he wasn't wearing his gray hoodie that I saw earlier. He was drinking from a red cup, meaning he was consuming alcohol. I was kind of worried at how we were going to get home tonight.

He didn't seem to notice me in the room. It was also weird because he smelled different. Maybe Allie did get to him already? Maybe she rubbed all over him and now their smell is fused together?

That's obviously not the case but it could be possible. She would just do it to piss me off.

I walked over to him, ignoring the cat calls other guys were making.

I tugged on his red sweater. "Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere," I smiled at him.

He turned to face me. Okay, this was not Ryder. His eyes were green and I noticed he had more brownish hair. Besides that, they looked really similar.

"Have you?" He says as is eyes raked up and down my body.

Almost realizing my embarrassing mistake, I stepped away from him and let go of his sweater.

"Sorry," I said quickly. My cheeks flaming up. "I thought you were somebody else."

"Not the first time that happened," The guy rolled his eyes. He looked at me sharply next. "You're looking for Ryder now right?"

"Yeah," My eyes widened. "How did you know?"

"Well, I look like him," He said in the most obvious tone. "And I'm his younger brother."

"I didn't know he had any brother," I said more to myself than to him.

He gives me a dry laugh. "Of course you don't. You're one of his one nighties right?"

"What?" I say incredulously. "No way!"

"You don't seem like his type though," He gives me a smirk. "You're like my type."

"Okay, okay." I backed away from Ryder's brother. "What is Ryder's 'type' then?"

"Usually he does fake blondes with nice boobs and no ass," His brother said nonchalantly. "I think he got himself a mate though. That's why he came back."

"Okay," I say, feeling self conscious that I wasn't actually Ryder's type. But he did say that's who he usually have sex with. Still, it bugged me a lot.

"No idea who she is but I heard she's got a nice rack," He grins at me and takes a sip from his cup. "But whatever though, him having a mate could only mean more girls for me," he slurred and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Can you not?" I say and tried to escape from his grasp.

"C'mon baby," He whispers. "Ryder has a mate and doesn't want you. I'll be there for you all night long."

"Okay look," I say, completely grossed out. "What if I told you I was Ryder's mate and that I was just looking for him?"

He chuckled. "You can't possibly be his mate. You're not even his type."

Can people stop saying that already!?

"You're not wearing his mark so why should I believe you?" He added.

I continued to struggle out of his grip. "If Ryder finds you, he's going to hurt you so please let go of me," I continued to persuade him.

"And why should I believe you?" He lifts my chin up and moves a little bit closer to me. His face started to lean in and I pushed him away but he was too strong. "You know, I love girls who play hard to get."

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