Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

“Hello?” I heard Alex say over the phone. “Grace, are you there?”

I didn’t reply though. I was too concentrated on the shadow I saw through my window. The real question is: how can that person even climb up here? I didn’t even have a balcony to stand on. Was he Spiderman or something?

I don’t know anybody crazy enough who would climb up to my window where everybody could see him/her. So being my curious self, I peeked through the curtains and found none other than my mate himself.

And he was wearing that stupid grin I always see.

“Oh my god…” I say in disbelief. “Alex I gotta go.”

“Why? What happened?” He asked. I didn’t answer him. I just hung up and tossed my phone to the side.

I quickly unlocked my window and opened it.

“What the hell, Ryder?” I whispered as I pulled him in by his shirt. “You seriously could’ve gotten injured in you fell!” If my parents heard him here, they would kill me.

“I’m a wolf. I’m pretty sure if I fell, nothing would happen,” He says, grinning wider. “But I’m glad to see you’re so worried about me cupcake.”

I rolled my eyes and shut my window. I shivered when he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. His firm torso was pressing onto my back.

“I thought you were going to be gone forever,” I murmured, closing the curtains. “I thought you already left.”

He sighed as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent. “Princess, I would never leave anything that’s mine behind,” I hear him say softly. His grip on me tightened and I let out an involuntary groaned.

“How did you even escape from the plane anyway?”

“I have my ways,” I felt him smirk on my neck. “But the real question is-“

“How long did you think you could keep this as a secret?” He whispered to my ear, sending chills down my spine. He was probably referring about us being mates.

I didn't reply though. I was too caught up in enjoying his touch. He moved my hair to the side and started to kiss my neck. I moaned softly.

“Oh god,” He groaned, “I never knew I could love such a sound so much.” I could feel his hard member poke my back from behind. “You've been such a bad girl for keeping me waiting like this, Grace. I think I might have to punish you. The scent of your arousal is making me even more tempted.” He then turned me around so that my chest pressed against his and captured my lips in a kiss that filled with so much passion and love that it could send me weak to my knees if he weren't holding me.

What was I even thinking when I was trying to stay away from him? Having a mate felt so great, of course, that is when you’re not thinking that he’s the next alpha king and you’re going to be his queen.

I didn’t put a mind to it though. I only kissed him back, enjoying the fact that I had my mate with me and that’s all that matters.

The kiss was short, but it was enough to make my toes curl and my heart to beat rapidly. It was the perfect first kiss and I can’t help but smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

“Happy birthday,” I whisper, almost forgetting that today he turned 18.

“Despite what just happened,” He murmurs against my lips and smiles back, “This is still the best birthday ever.”

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