Chapter Six

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Chapter six

The next morning, I woke up feeling upset again. After yesterday's incident, I didn't want to go back to school. I was back in the woods at the spot where I first saw my mate and cried for a little while. Then, I returned to school because I didn't want to be marked as absent. My parents would question me about it and I didn't really feel like making up another lie again.

For the whole day, I avoided everybody. Well, more like everybody avoided me. People pointed at me and I could hear their questioning whispers. I didn't like the attention going on.

The only person who talked to me was Dean. He was sort of upset that Lily decided to ditch us and was really concerned about me. Being me, I shrugged it off like it didn't affect me but it really did bother me. In lunch, he probably sat with me out of pity. I know how much he wanted to sit with the popular group, the group Lily, Luke, and Jason were at. He kept glancing back at the table.

I didn't really start a conversation with him, seeing as I was too upset to so I probably bore him. Well, he did kind of admit he had a crush on me a few days ago so that could be another reason why he's sitting with me.

Lily probably knew what happened to me this morning and she glanced at me a few times at lunch, probably dying to know what really happened.

Gossip flies by very fast. Most that were spread weren't really true. I had heard from a girl with my wolf hearing about how Ryder was about to shift and kill me because I was being mean and jealous of him. Why on earth would I be jealous of my own mate? Another was that I was about to shift and kill him because he stole my pencil and I was being irrational. It wasn't even about the pencil I was fighting about. It was mainly about his stupid ego, so I wouldn't say it was irrational.

But, that didn't really matter. What matters now is how I'm going to face Jason this morning and who's going to drive me to school.

Jason tried to talk to me yesterday but I ignored him. It's his fault that he didn't even want to hear my side of the story. Even if he is my brother, there's no way I'd forgive him so easily for that.

I decided to try to look nice again today. Because of my crying, my makeup got smudged yesterday so me looking like Frankenstein's wife is probably the reason why I was getting so much attention. I'll put waterproof makeup this time, not that it would matter.

I went downstairs to find my parents leaving the house.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask them.

"Emergency pack meeting," Mom says with an edgy tone. "Jason has to drive you to school and make sure you don't head outside without him, okay Grace?"

I groaned. This is just my luck. I'm getting forced to ride with the guy who I'm supposed to ignore.

"This is serious, Grace," Dad says in a warning tone. "Don't go to the woods anymore. Somebody went out to the woods yesterday and the rogues smelled that person. I think they're going to plan on attacking soon because of them."

Whoa, what? I was out there yesterday, though. Please don't tell me I was the only one that was there. I don't want it to be my fault.

I tried not to look guilty and nodded. "I guess I'll go with him then."

Mom nods and smiles at me. "You look nice today again. I never even knew I bought that."

"Uh, thanks." I say.

"Well, today is your lucky day," she continues, "Jason decided to cook some breakfast for you. Isn't that sweet?"

Oh great, he's going to bribe me with his food now. I can almost guess his whole plan. "Oh okay," I say. "Well, you guys should get going now."

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