Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight

I let out a grunt as I felt myself fall on something hard. A sharp pain in my head kept me from opening my eyes and I groaned in pain.

“Oh,” I heard a voice say. “She woke up earlier than I expected her to.”

“That’s surprising,” A second voice says. “Those bastards hit pretty hard too.”

“Did you have to drop her down so hard though?” Asked the third voice.

“You said to drop her right there, so I did!” The first voice yelled. The loudness of his voice made my head hurt even more.

“Don’t yell at your Alpha,” The third voice said gruffly.

I opened my eyes warily when I heard that there was an alpha here. It was dark but I could see four men in front of me. Two of them looked about 18 or 19 and the other two looked around 25 years old.

One of the guys rolled his eyes, “You can’t be an Alpha. This isn’t even a real pack.”

“It’ll soon be one soon,” The guy who looked really intimidating said. “Once we bargain Ryder to give us some good territory over his mate, we’ll start our own pack.”

My eyes widened when he said that. Is that why they kidnapped me? I looked at the surroundings around me.

“Where’s Lily?” I said, interrupting their argument. My voice came out raspy and tired.

They stopped talking and turned to me.

“Who?” One of them questioned.

“My friend,” I said, “Where is she?” I sat up a bit but felt weak. The huge headache and rope I had around me wasn’t helping either.

“The one mated to Alex?”

I nodded.

“We couldn’t get her,” The intimidating one replied. “We are the ones who saved you from the kidnapping.”

“You should’ve saved Lily instead of me,” I say quietly. “I’m not really worth anything except for the fact that I’m the beta’s daughter. My mate doesn’t even know I’m his mate yet.”

“Have you made sure that your wolf knows that he’s your mate?” One of them asks.

“Yes,” I answer, not getting why I was telling them all of this. Once they find out I’m not worth anything, they’ll probably just send me back to the people who kidnapped me.

“Then I don’t get how-“

“It’s complicated,” I cut him off, “We first saw each other in our wolf form. I ran away when I found out who he was. My human scent is probably different from my wolf scent, so that’s why he hasn’t recognized me yet.”

“Right,” Another guy says. “I heard that in human form, the wolf must be in touch with the other wolf's presence so they can feel the bond between them. So you need to touch them for the human to know, hence the reason why more people meet their mates during their wolf form rather than during human form.”

“You don’t want to be the next Alpha queen? I hear that a lot of girls want to be. You should be feeling lucky about it.”

I shrugged, “I already made up my mind about it. I was going to let him know tomorrow at his birthday but since I’m here, I probably won’t be going anywhere.”

“He’s leaving the day after tomorrow, right?” The intimidating guy asks. I nodded. “Well, Alex probably won’t leave Lily alone so they’ll probably extend their visit here. You have plenty of time to let Ryder know and maybe, since we saved you from those bastard rogues, you can ask Ryder if we could have some land to start a new pack there.”

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