Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

"Princess," I heard somebody say softly. "Wake up."

"Go away mom," I groaned and shut my eyes tighter, trying to fall asleep again.

I hear the person chuckle.

"You cannot wake her up like that," I hear a female voice distinguished as Lily's say. "You need to tickle her or splash some water on her face."

Before I knew it, I felt cold water on my face, jerking me awake.

"What the hell?!" I yell and wiped the water off of my face.

"See?" I catch Lily smirk in triumph.

Alex was looking at me in pity and Ryder was giving me an apologetic smile. It took me a moment to realize that we were still in the plane and I had fallen asleep.

"Is it time to get off yet?" I say tiredly, as if my clothes weren't all wet.

"Almost," Ryder chuckles. "I wanted to show you something before we land and then Lily just popped out of nowhere and splashed water all over your face."

I glare at her. Lily's smirk turns into a grin and she walks away to another seat with Alex.

I sighed. I wanted to go back to sleep!

"What did you want to show me?" I squirmed uncomfortably in my wet clothes.

He gets up, taking my suitcase out of the suitcase-storage thing. "Go change first and then I'll show you."

I groaned loudly and got up, taking my suitcase to the bathroom to find something to change into. "What time is it?" I asked him before I went in.

"Around 10PM," He says.

I mumbled an "Okay."

Hey, I wasn't the type who liked to be woken up.

I quickly find a towel in my luggage to wipe myself dry and search for something easy to put on. I exit out drying my hair with the towel.

"Took you long enough," He jokes.

"Whatever," I grumbled and sat down on the window seat.

He chuckles at my crankiness and holds my hand.

"I wanted to show you the city lights at night in LA," He explains to me. "I thought I could try to be romantic but I failed miserably because you were woken up rudely by your own best friend."

I decided to look out the window and he was right. The lights were beautiful at night and it made me smile at how sweet it was for him to show me that.

I started to feel bad because I was showing Ryder my cranky side and he didn't even deserve it.

"It's beautiful," I say.

"Not as beautiful as you," He replies.

"That was too corny and you know it," I laughed and looked at him

He was wearing a grin on his face. "I thought girls liked that corny stuff."

"Yeah, but not that corny."

"Hey, you have to give me props for trying."

I smiled. "It was really sweet though."

He smirks. "Do I get a kiss as a reward?"

I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the lips.

When I pull back, he pouts. "Is that it?"

"Yes," I say. "I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep."

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