Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

"I just received a text from Luke that his parents went with mum and dad somewhere," I hear Jason say when I made a move to exit the car.

"So it's alright if I can go with her?" Ryder asks him.

"Yeah, just don't take too long."

Ryder grins at me and exits out of the car. He wraps his arm around my waist, almost possessively.

"S'up man," Luke says to Ryder and they did their guy handshake. "Grace," He nods at me.

"I didn't even know you knew my name," I can't help but say.

"Honestly, I thought you were called Gabby at first," He shrugs.

"No big surprise there," I say bluntly. This is shockingly the longest conversation we've had. Luke always forgets my name and calls me Gabby or even Gina.

He sheepishly grins. "Anyways, I was expecting you to come here. I was supposed to pack Lily's stuff but I have no clue what to bring."

"Alright, you can unlock the door and we'll go in. Is there anybody else inside right now?"

"Yeah, Dean is in there."

"What's Dean doing here?"

"Well, since he is the second closest person to Lily, I thought he might help me out, so I called him over. But, he really isn't."

"Again, no surprise there," I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't Dean the guy who sits with you at lunch?" Ryder asks me. I was surprised he even remembered that.

I nodded at him.

His gaze immediately hardens. "You guys are just friends right?"

"Yep," I say.

His grip on me tightens. "Alright then."

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned with his sudden mood swing. I mean, it's not like I was dating Dean. We're just friends. How can he get so jealous of that?

"I'm fine," He lied as we walked inside.

"No you aren't," I frowned at him. "If this is about Dean, you don't have to be so envious. He's my only guy friend."

"Is he mated?"


"Then I have every right to be envious," He pouts. "Plus, I heard that he has a crush on you."

We stopped walking and I tippy-toed to peck his lips. "Don't worry," I reassured him. "I'm yours."

The arm he had around my waist pulled me closer to him and he kisses me deeper. "Damn right you are," He mutters against my lips.

"Get a room," I hear Luke cough.

Ryder pulls away and grins at Luke. "Gladly."

"You guys are just bragging off in front of me right now," Luke sighs. "I want a mate."

"You have one," Ryder says. "You just haven't found her yet."

"Well, I hope I find her soon, because I'm tired of screwing a bunch of girls every week."

Wow, Luke was the entire opposite of Jason. I thought Luke wouldn't want a mate since he was that typical teenage alpha.

He's not really that bad looking. Okay, so maybe lots of girls in our school have a thing for him. I used to have a crush on Luke for a month but only because he was cute.

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