Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

I was in the bathroom and I stared at my reflection. The mark had started to heal already. It kind of bothered me how he wouldn't even tell me that he was about to mark me. And call me selfish, but I really wanted him to mark me in a more romantic scene-- not in the middle of the road.

I rubbed the mark with my fingers. The slight ache was there when I pushed down and it looked a bit funny.

It stopped bleeding a while ago and I just finished wiping the blood away. It didn't look like mom's claim nor did it look like Lily's. Their bite marks were more... Deeper. Mine was a bit shallow.

I shook my head and decided to leave the bathroom. I didn't want to think about it.

On the bright side, Lily will be happy. Just Lily though, which I thought was pretty sad because I didn't have many friends. I didn't feel like calling and telling Dean because I feel like I'd be gloating in his face, since he likes me and all. I do need to make a call to him though.

Not only him, but I have to make a call to my parents. I wonder how they reacted. I mean, in a way, I did run away from home.

I collapsed on Ryder's bed. I was wearing some pajama shorts and his t shirt. I managed to steal one while he wasn't looking. Call me creepy and weird, but I like wearing his shirts when I go to bed.

I was startled by the small meow that came from somewhere. Then, I realize it was just Cole.

He jumped on the bed and purrs, snuggling against me.

"How did you even get in here?" I laugh as he rubs his face on my cheek. Then I blinked, suddenly realizing that Ryder had told me there were were-cats in this town.

Was Cole a were-cat?

No, that's preposterous. Ryder would have noticed by now. And the vampires would too, since they have a strong nose.

Perhaps Cole was a normal cat and not a shifter? He certainly was acting like a normal cat.

He was currently snuggling on my shoulder, his tail whipping back and forth on my face. Shifter or not, he's pretty damn cute even though his tail was literally going in my mouth.

I watch him yawn and close his eyes, licking his nose with his tongue.

The black cat then opened his eyes and snapped them to me. He meows and continues to sway his tail back and forth on my face.

Then I thought earlier about what happened. I had slapped Ryder really hard. I felt really bad, now that I thought about it. But he still didn't ask for permission. Marking a wolf without consent is just like rape.

I wouldn't dare try to get Ryder arrested though. I wanted him to mark me. Just on different circumstances.

"Maybe I'm just being irrational," I said to Cole. For some reason, I found it easier to talk to a cat than people. "Maybe I'm just being a scaredy-cat." I then looked at him. I just compared myself to his own kind. "No offense to you."

He meows in reply.

I shook my head. "Fine, fine, I'll use the word coward then."

I looked at the ceiling then. His tail had stopped hitting my face and he kept staring at me, almost as if he were waiting for me to continue.

I let out a deep sigh. "I'm a coward. The worst part is that I don't even know why. It's like I have an anxiety disorder or something."

He meows again and continued to stare at me intently.

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