Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

I see Ryder nearing the school and I instantly realized what was happening.

Oh god what am I even doing?

I'm going to start a new school. Meaning, everybody's eyes will be on me. And I don't really do so well with attention.

People are going to ask questions about me and I'm going to end up stuttering and making a fool of myself.

I am seriously so stupid. I can't do this. I can't just transfer to another school and just like that, with a snap of my fingers, I'm going to completely change who I am.

That whole phrase "new school, new me" is bullshit because right now, I don't feel like a new me. I feel like the normal, boring me who likes to overthink things and gets nervous whenever I make social contact with someone I'm not familiar with.

I self-consciously pull down the hem of my dress and Ryder pulls over into the school parking space.

He gets off and I get off as well, my heart beating loudly as I felt more and more anxiety.

"You okay?" He asks me when he takes off his helmet. "I hear your heart beating faster."

"I'm fine," I lied and fidgeted with the buckle of my helmet, struggling to get it off.

"Here, let me get that," He says and gently pushes my hands away. He takes off the lock and pulls off my helmet.

His greenish eyes stared at me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks.

I nodded and looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

He lifts my chin gently. "You're nervous," He softly says.

"Maybe just a little," I admit.

"Hey, don't be," He assured. "Everybody will love you, I promise. Just be yourself."

That's easy for you to say.

I gulped and nodded at him. I forced out a small smile to let him know I'll be fine, even though I probably won't.

"C'mon, let's put these helmets away in Alex's car."

He grabs my hand and leads the way to Alex's car.

Right now, I was thinking about the things I was going to do today.

One: Try to get through my 8 classes and ignore everybody's stares at those 8 times.

Two: Expose Allie and embarrass her in front of everybody during lunch time.

Three: Try to make more "friends" in all of my 8 classes.

Two will probably be the least difficult for me. I think.

I let out a shaky breath at how stressing all three of them are. It was nerve-racking to actually think about doing them because the thought of messing it all up is constantly there.

I fidgeted with the hem of my dress, pulling it down repeatedly, hoping nobody would see my scars on my upper thighs. Not only was my body embarrassing but I have a lot of imperfections on it.

What was I even thinking, wearing this dress? It was so unlike me to wear one, especially to school, yet I wanted to wear it.

I watched as Ryder opened Alex's trunk. He tosses the two helmets in there and Alex and Lily get out of the car.

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