Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

“Hey,” Dean greets and sits next to me. “How are you and Ryder? I heard that you guys rode to school together.”

I took a small bite out of my sandwich before setting it back down. I didn’t really have an appetite right now.

I shrugged. “He still doesn’t know I’m his mate yet.”

“Are you planning on telling him at all?”

I shrugged again. “I want to let him know. Hell, my wolf is killing me. She keeps telling me to go and touch him but I can’t bring myself to.”

“How come?”

“I feel like I can’t be a good leader or mate.”

“You do know that those instincts will come naturally right? Why else would fate put you as his mate?”

“I don’t know,” I say truthfully. “I don’t know a lot of things. I don’t know why fate would make me a leader when there could be thousands of other girls who deserve the spot. I don’t know if it was randomly or on purpose. I don’t even know why it’s me.”

Dean stares at me with an unfathomable expression. He didn’t reply and I didn’t really expect him to.

I didn’t want to reply either and just glanced at Lily’s table to see how she was doing. What surprised me was that she looked like she was about to cry. She was arguing with Alex. The people in cafeteria were too loud to let my werewolf senses to pick up their conversation so I kept silently watching. I really wanted to go there and snap Alex’s neck in half for making my best friend cry.

After a while, I heard Dean says, “I think you’d make a great queen.”

“What makes you think that?” I ask, still watching Lily.

“You care so much about people. Even if Lily doesn’t talk to you as much as she used to anymore, you still care about her. You worry about her. With Jason too- You make it seem like you hate him; like he’s not your brother, but you care about him a lot.”

I turned my head to look at him. “So? That doesn’t mean anything.”

“To you it doesn’t,” He says, “To a lot of people it does.”

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. What does he mean by that? To a lot of people it does? Last I checked, almost everybody in the school do not even know my name.

Before I can ask what he means, I see Lily walking out of the lunchroom. I glanced at Alex to see him burying his hand in his hair with his head slumped down as if he regretted everything he said. Nobody followed her to comfort her.

I sighed and said, “I’ll be right back.”

Everybody’s eyes followed me but I ignored them. I went through the café door before looking back at Alex again. He was looking at me as well.

I sighed and went to the bathroom where Lily is probably at.

When I entered, I heard her small sobs.

“Lily?” I called. “Come out. It’s me, Grace.”

One of the bathroom stalls opened and she walked out of it. “Oh, Grace,” She said before you broke out into another sob. I quickly walked towards her to give her a hug. She hugs me back. “Alex is mad at me.”

“It’s okay,” I said softly, “He didn’t look mad when you left. He looked like he regretted everything. So don’t think he’s mad at you.”

“But he has every right to be.”

“What did you even do to make him mad?” I let go of her so she can get a napkin to wipe her tears.

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